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Bleeding noses ー those are what greeted Yukimi when the team got back from their afternoon run

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Bleeding noses ー those are what greeted Yukimi when the team got back from their afternoon run.

She was preparing their water bottles when Kenma and Lev were being directed by Kuroo to go directly to their manager and the sight of blood dripping down her underclassmen faces sent a chill down her spine. It wasn't that she was afraid of blood or cuts but Yukimi was left staring in disbelief, her brain coming up with the possible reasons as to why the two club members gained simultaneous nosebleeds. Kenma eventually told her with his head down that they tried to save that cat from falling down the tree, with Lev's excited chatters that they successfully took down the cat after a strong gust of wind, but both of them shut themselves up when they saw how menacing Yukimi's glare looked. It felt like they were being scolded by their mother, which was basically the girl's position in the club ー a joint operation between her and Yaku.

"Ah, Tetsurou?"

On cue, every single head turned toward the oblivious medium-haired girl, who just instructed the two to stop looking up at her and advised them to lean their head forward. Yaku was shaking Kai with a large grin on his face while the latter looked like a proud father with his head nodding in utmost approval. Kenma rose an eyebrow, feeling his lips turning upwards in a smile, glad that Kuroo finally managed to make Yukimi call him by his name, something that he really wanted since he was in year two. The rest of the Nekoma volleyball team, however, were stunned and they were looking back-and-forth at the manager and captain, who was wide-eyed and blushing.

"Tetsurou, can you please take out the ice-packs from the second equipment room?" she asked the dark-haired boy with a smile. A few minutes later, Kuroo returned with two ice-packs and some wet towels, handing them to the girl before standing right beside her as she placed them on top of the underclassmen's noses. Yukimi then straightened from leaning forward and proceeded to cross her arms against her chest, making Kenma flinch and Lev to look at anywhere except for her. "All this damage just because of the cat? It's not that I'm scolding you two, it's just that you have to be more careful."

A beautiful smile from the medium-haired girl greeted them, making the two sigh in relief through their mouths. From this, Yukimi suggested to the coaches that they should at least take a break for thirty minutes before being placed on the court for their daily practices. Patting the underclassmen's shoulders reassuringly, the caramel-eyed girl looked up at Kuroo before gesturing for him to join the others on the court. The dark-haired boy only ruffled her hair affectionately, jogging to where his other teammates were calling for him to start on his serves. Yukimi contently grinned as she watched the team execute their serves, spikes, and receives, taking down notes on their improved mannerisms and adding a few recommendations here and there on her notebook.

The following days were hectic for all of the club members since the finals for the first semester started. Practice was postponed of course, with Nekomata saying that volleyball shouldn't hinder them in their studies and that they should think that by passing the exams, they would get to play more of the sport until the end of the academic year. The younger coach also mentioned that if one of them doesn't pass the exams, that member might have to stay behind and take the supplementary tests and lessons ー completely missing on the training camp set for the team starting next week. This spurred everybody to review their notes diligently and answer every exam with careful demeanors. The lower years, mainly every first-year and the three second-years, asked for some advice from Yukimi on how to ace the exams. The girl enthusiastically relayed some tips that worked for her every test there is in her entire life as a student, the underclassmen eating them up and applying them in their study habits.

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