𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 14 | not today

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"Wow, look at you,"

Tegan's words lingered on, purposely to emphasize, as she had a smile on her face when her eyes laid upon Alex's leg, where she no longer had a boot on and she was walking without crutches, she was improving more and more each day and everything was looking up right now.

Tegan had a huge smile on her face, watching her friend walk toward her as she sat on the medical bed, waiting for the physical therapist to come in.

Alex had just finished her session with her therapist and she was waiting around for Toni, who was supposed to pick her up for them to go home but she hadn't shown up yet.

So, Alex went back since she knew Tegan and, most likely, Dakota were going to be there.

"Finally gets her boot off and wants to walk all over the place," Dakota finished off in a teasing tone, just like Tegan's was, which only caused all the women to share a laugh with each other.

Alex was happy the boot finally came off, that meaning she was able to do more things without asking for help but she didn't exactly feel as comfortable walking as she expected to.

She had to learn how to walk again on her leg and it wasn't exactly easy since she was so scared to put pressure on it, just in case it gave out on her.

However these past weeks, her therapy sessions have focused on training her leg to walk again so over time, it has gotten easier. It was only two weeks since her doctor told her she didn't need crutches anymore and she was finally happy that her leg was making forward progress.

She was just happy at the fact that she was getting closer and closer to returning back to the ring, even if it was still months away.

"Yeah, it finally feels nice to be able to walk again," She spoke whilst looking at Tegan's leg, necessarily trying to be considerate toward her because she was unable to walk yet, "I can't wait til' you get to walk too, so you know, we can go on a lovely jog once you do."

Her joke was humorous just for the reason that even though, they are able to walk once their cast/boot comes off, they have to train to run too, which sucks at the end of it.

However, Tegan had a grin on her lips, her head shaking her head and seemingly enjoying Alex's stupidly, amusing reply, "Yeah, definitely, probably will bust up my knee again with my luck."

"Oh, stop, you always speak so negatively about yourself," Dakota looked at her, lovingly, with a serious glint in her eyes yet a charming smile on her and Tegan only looked at her with the same stare, this causing Alex to feel that something was there between them.

Her eyes narrowed a bit at the sight since she needed confirmation about what she was thinking, "I'm not speaking negatively, I'm speaking realistically," Tegan corrected her, purposely emphasizing that word only for Dakota to shake her head at her with a smile that Alex simply recognized.

Alex couldn't be sure but it was obvious that the two women before her felt something for each other.

She knew just by their stares and smiles at each other, because that's how Rhea and her used to smile at each other when they were just friends, though they felt so much more toward each other.

Dakota placed her hand on Tegan's shoulder, Alex raising her eyebrow at the gesture, knowing a bit too much than she was supposed to, "Well, I'm going to train. I'll see you after you're done." Dakota's stare lingered for a slight second, as well as her hand on her shoulder, this subconsciously confirming what Alex was already thinking.

Tegan gave her a smile in response, saying a quick 'okay' before Dakota had given her one of her own, walking toward the exit and passing Alex, "I'll see you around, Alex,"

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