𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 31 | not today

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"You guys ready to go?"

Alex sat in Rhea's room, dressed decently as were the others, while Toni walked into the room asking her question. The day swept by quickly enough for it to be time for the get-together Rhea seemed to be dreading all day.

Alex was practically with Rhea the whole day, bothering and annoying her but it wasn't like Rhea had any problem with it because she allowed Alex to stay in her room with her.

Alex couldn't help but think about how differently things had become between them.

Rhea went from avoiding Alex's existence to being incredibly rude to her to now withstanding her presence more and more every day that went by. She was still mean as hell, but it was the progress Alex was making with her that was so noticeable.

And also the fact of Rhea wanting and choosing to be around her rather than not wanting to at all.

"No," Rhea instantly replied back with her prominent attitude whilst Tegan and Dakota followed behind Toni into the room, "I don't want to go,"

Toni sucked her teeth in a playful yet irritated way, "What did I tell you yesterday? To wake up in a better attitude, didn't I?" Toni's question caused Rhea to roll her eyes and scoff underneath her breath as the other stifled their small chuckles of amusement.

"I rather go and workout," Rhea spoke up for the rest of them to hear as Alex had her eyes right on her, just to see her glance over at her.

"Come on, Rhea. Cheer up a bit," Tegan came through to say, moving toward the bed slowly, and her smile made its way on her face in a way of assuring Rhea.

However, Rhea shook her head in disapproval, "And you know it's not good to workout right before a show," Dakota was now one to share her opinion and have a word in this conversation.

And she was right since working out a day or two before can strain the muscles out a bit too much that can cause an injury.

Alex would know, of course.

Though, Alex could see Rhea continually glancing over at her, which made confusion express along her face, "Why do you keep looking at me?" She asked Rhea and that caused everyone to look at both of them with just as much uncertainty.

"Because I'm waiting for you to say something too," Rhea responded back almost instantly with her eyes directly on Alex, "You usually share your stupid opinion, so I'm just waiting for you to add it onto everyone else's,"

Alex couldn't fight away the laugh making its way up, but all she did was allow her lips to curve in amusement, "Well, if I'm honest, I was actually going to agree with you," And her words were enough to gain questioning looks from everyone.

Rhea stared at her in disbelief, as did everyone else, "What?"

Alex was humored by everyone's reaction, specifically Rhea's, as she let out an light-hearted breath, "Yeah, working out sounds way better than going to some party," She dragged her words out in a playful way, but she did mean it seriously for the most part.

Alex was fine with going to this party, but she wasn't in the partying kind of mood she thought she would be in. She wasn't exactly looking forward to the party after TakeOver either.

"And if Rhea doesn't want to go, then it's okay. I understand why she wouldn't want to," Alex continued on, taking a glimpse of everyone's expression to see all of them really conveying the same thing: shock.

Everyone stood frozen for a bit too long, "Am I missing something?" Toni was the one to speak up after that short silence, diverting her eyes from Rhea to Alex.

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