𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 17 | not today

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Alex sat in the passenger seat, sitting in front of an apartment complex, and it seemed like she was there for hours, even though she was probably sitting there for about ten minutes.

But Rhea was silent the entire car ride, her anger radiating throughout the whole environment in the car.

She continued to see Rhea's phone flash with notifications and phone calls, which she would decline as she drove until she told Alex to put her phone on Do Not Disturb for her.

This is where Alex witnessed the numerous calls and messages present on the lock screen, it was almost psychotic, but Alex didn't say her opinion about it.

It wasn't her place to do so, anyway.

Though, Alex tried to keep her mind occupied with things on her phone like checking social media or playing games and that was until Toni texted her:

you're home yet?

no not yet.

Alex was supposed to be home, though. She knew she was but it wasn't like she was complaining since she appreciated being with Rhea in whatever mood she was in. She waited until she saw the bubbles popping up, signaling Toni was typing and shortly after, her response came through:

how come?

well rhea decided to
take some detours
but i should be home in a bit.

Alex then locked her phone and rested it on her lap, laying her head back on the headrest and taking a deep breath in. It was pretty annoying sitting in a car without knowing when the other person was going to come back.

And she wasn't patient enough to remain sitting in a place for so long, so she felt the irritation building up slowly yet very surely.

She took a glance over at the entrance of the apartment complex and looked away, but for that second, something did catch her eye, which caused her to look back.

Her eyes were met with a guy coming outside with a suitcase and throwing it on the floor once he made it out, only for Alex to see Rhea walking right behind him.

She heard them begin arguing with one another and it was pretty inaudible, but seeing their expression, Alex knew it was heated. Rhea looked beyond upset and the guy, assumingly Demetri, was pissed off too as they were screaming down each other's throats.

Alex thought it was bad enough over the phone but in person, it was obviously worse.

She watched as Rhea continued arguing with him, walking over to the suitcase he threw, which she stood it up but before she did so completely, he pushed it back down and stood in her face, continuing to yell and scream whatever he was.

Alex could feel displeasure building within her once she witnessed that because the action was too disrespectful for Alex to withstand.

She couldn't simply sit there and watch, she felt like she had to do something, but then again, Rhea was grown and it also wasn't any of Alex's business.

Though, she had this instinct to protect Rhea, knowing damn well she should've fought that feeling off as she found herself getting out of the car, leisurely yet quicker than she usually did by herself due to her adrenaline pumping because of her rising indignation.

𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘛𝘖𝘋𝘈𝘠  | RHEA RIPLEYWhere stories live. Discover now