𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 5 | not today

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Alex laid in on her bed as she stared directly at the cast that wrapped around her foot up to her knee, which was resting on top of three pillows.

She sat there reminiscing all of the chaos that transpired after she had sustained her horrible Achilles injury and once she had made it to the backstage area.

She had never seen so many staff members panicking and racing around right before her but that night, she did witness it because she was the second wrestler that was injured and they were definitely trying their best to deal with it as best as they could.

She sat on a chair backstage, the physician before her kept asking her questions whilst inspecting her left leg. He had taken off her boot as her whole leg was swollen beyond belief, especially at the calf area and the heel of her foot.

There was also bruising there and she was in extreme pain as tears left her eyes, uncontrollably.

"It felt like someone kicked my calf during the match - - I don't know." She told him through the sobs, in which he nodded, his hand squeezing down against her calf in certain areas.

She had her hands on her head - - she had never experienced any pain like she was - - and the physician had shaken his head, not looking optimistic about anything after he finished his quick examination.

She had seen Toni trying to get passed the staff members that kept telling her that she couldn't come close to Alex, "Give her space? She's my friend and I need to be there for her." She was visibly upset, her tone at a high level, as she argued with them.

The physician had stood up and walked toward Hunter, who was observing everything with a worried expression and his hand on his chin.

The physician proceeded to tell him something to which he let out a big breath, placing his hand on his head and making it obvious that something terribly wrong was wrong with Alex's leg - - it wasn't like she didn't feel it, anyway.

Hunter nodded his head, turning toward a staff member, "Call an ambulance." He yelled at him, in which he went scrambling off to do so.

Hunter then walked over to Alex and crouched down beside her whilst she cried, "It's going to be alright, okay? I know this is tough, but you're a strong person and you can get through this." He gave her an assuring grin, however, his eyes showed how disheartened he was because of this.

"We called an ambulance so they can escort you to a hospital because the physician believes you have a torn Achilles."

Hearing that hurt Alex to her core and it brought even more tears to her eyes because him saying that was practically demolishing every opportunity she was going to be given and all of her dreams were crashing right to a sudden halt.

"You'll come back stronger, I'm betting on it." Hunter's last words were before he gave her a soft, quick hug before rushing toward the staff members to get an update on the ambulance.

As she watched him stride away, her eyes locked onto someone else's eyes.

Rhea was further away from the commotion but she was at a good enough distance to see everything. Many of the other women wrestlers were near her but much more were behind her. She looked as if she were going to walk over.

However, she seemed so hesitant and even though she was at a far distance, Alex can make out the disquieted expression she had on her face.

However, it was as if once Alex noticed her, she seemed to realize that, in which her expression changed into a much indistinct, colder one. Then, she was gone into the crowd of women wrestlers behind her and that's when Alex's mind refocused on all the craziness happening in front of her.

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