𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 36 | not today

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Alex doesn't think she has felt as much love as she did last night.

Something did wake her up, however. She just didn't know what it was.

It could've been the worry of thinking what transpired last night was a dream or probably, it was the fact she didn't feel the body that was next to her when she fell asleep, but once she opened her eyes, she realized it was only the second one that was true.

The sun was blazing and the light was beaming into the room. The curtains were doing nothing to prevent the light to not be as bright as they were and all Alex could do was groan in response to how intense it was.

Though, this was when she noticed Rhea wasn't beside her.

The soreness started overcoming her body before she sat up, pulling the blankets up to cover herself. She looked around, rubbing her eyes to adjust to the brightness and she had seen her clothes scattered all over the floor, but Rhea's were no longer there.

Alex didn't care about it, though. It was clear Rhea might've just left before anyone else came knocking, in which they would have to have an uncomfortable, awkward conversation about why they were with each other in the room, anyway.

So, Alex assumed Rhea got ahead of them and left to avoid that (which was a good idea, anyway).

Alex might've taken a few deep breaths in, turning away from the sunlight until her breath was interrupted by a knock on the door. And many more knocks followed on.

"C'mon, Alex. I know you're still not sleeping at twelve o'clock in the afternoon,"

That voice was too clear for Alex not to know who it was and that was when she instantly sat up from the bed in a panic.

"Relax, Toni. She's probably in the shower or something," She heard another very clear voice at the door as well, causing her to throw the blanket off of herself before getting up from the bed.

The room was a completely compromising mess (other than her also not having any clothes on), so Alex quickly began to clean up the clothes from the floor. She threw them over toward her suitcase where she then opened it to take out some fresh clothes to put on.

"Hold on, guys. I'm just getting out of the shower," She yelled back to them, hearing one of them, most likely Toni, huff in response as she went along with the other person's assumption before she practically limped into the bathroom.

She did her business there as swiftly as she could and she put on the clothes, leaving the bathroom and looking around to see if anything else implicated anything of last night. And once she was certain nothing did, she walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Toni and Tegan.

"Finally. It's about time you opened," Toni seemed to be bothered as she pushed her way in while Tegan stood back as both of them watched Toni be as rude as she was.

Alex sucked her teeth before she glanced back at Tegan, who had a sympathetic grin on her lips, "Hey, Alex," She greeted her and Alex greeted her right back, moving out of the way and allowing Tegan to walk in.

"Sorry about her. She had too much to drink last night and she's a bit cranky," Tegan was referring to Toni as Alex closed the door behind her, letting an amused breath leave her lips at Tegan's jab.

"I'm not cranky. I just don't like waiting," She responded back to Tegan and then looking over at Alex, "We waited out there for at least twenty minutes - knocking and all, and you were taking your sweet ass time,"

"It was more like ten, but sure," Tegan corrected her and Toni didn't hesitate in sending her a glare, where Tegan raised her hands in defense as she approached the bed to sit down.

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