𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 29 | not today

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"So, what are the chances of you coming to the UK with us next week?"


A few weeks had gone by, and Alex was recovering at an astounding rate. She was back in a boot and in physical therapy, which she hated but the therapy was ultimately helping her. She was just happy she was back on her own two feet and not in a cast anymore.

"It's bullshit that she's beating me for my title, but I guess she deserves it," Rhea's asshole tone broke through Alex's thoughts as she knew Rhea was simply being an ass, especially since she had a grin on her lips when she spoke.

"Aw, that's probably the nicest thing you've ever told me," Toni placed her hands on her heart and matched her level of assholeness - it was only fitting that she did and it made all of them laugh with one another.

Though, there they were, in Alex's apartment, conversing with each other as Alex rested her leg after physical therapy. Rhea was there, still taking care of her but letting Alex do whatever she could.

Alex was becoming able to get up from the bed without help, even though she did need it at times, and she was able to do many other things, but still, Rhea was there to help her with whatever whenever.

And not to mention, they've been sleeping together for a few nights, but Alex never spoke about it after it happened unless Rhea brought it up. Though, she never did.

"Wait, I thought you already won the title," Alex was confused because she was told of this before and she remembered being told that it already happened.

Toni nodded, turning her attention back to Alex, "Yeah, I was supposed to, but they prolonged it since they wanted me to win it at a TakeOver and not on a regular taping."

Alex then hummed in acknowledgment, listening to the words Toni spoke, and it did make sense. Toni won the Mae Young Classic where she then challenges Rhea for the championship, only for her to win it on a regular taping?

It wouldn't get as much attention as if she won it on a pay-per-view, so it made sense why it had to happen on one.

"So, the chances - what are they?"

Toni brought up her original question and Alex had to ponder about it before answering, "Well, I'm sure I can fly, but I would need to talk to my doctor first."

"Are we seriously considering taking her with us? She might just weigh the whole plane down," Rhea was sitting in the chair she usually does whenever someone is in the room with them (because she would be laying down with Alex in the bed, but obviously, not with others around).

Alex turned to look at her, meeting her eyes that were already on hers as she couldn't help but smirk, "You know, I'm starting to think you like me because you always have something to say whenever I'm the topic of discussion," Alex's tone was challenging, implying a bit more than what was simply said.

Her words did its intentional purpose since Rhea immediately rolled her eyes in distaste, "It's the complete opposite but sure, whatever you say," Her not arguing back caused Alex to chuckle at the small victory, seeing Rhea turn her attention elsewhere with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Oh, stop it, Rhea. I know for a fact you would love for Alex to come along and watch me beat your ass," Toni just had to add that last part, clearly to get to Rhea's nerves, but that whole sentence did just that.

She was laughing and it caused Alex to laugh with her, as Rhea continued to sigh in annoyance, "Wow, real funny, Toni." She purposefully sounded robotic and sent a glare at Toni, shrugging her shoulders, "Alex would be the last person I would ever want to watch me wrestle - I don't even like wrestling with her. Let alone, be in my presence more than she is already."

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