𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 24 | not today

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"Hey - - Hello? Are you even listening?"

Alex blinked a few times, coming back into reality, as she had seen Rhea's hand waving in her face as she turned over toward her on the bed. She didn't realize she was so deep in her thoughts, her mind circulating over how she was going to have to leave soon and how she needed to tell Rhea.

She knew she had to, yet she still couldn't find the courage to do so.

She had stood longer than she wanted to and she even moved in with Rhea so she wouldn't disappoint her. But all she was really doing was prolonging the inevitable.

"No, I'm sorry, babe." Alex responded with a gentle grin, "I was thinking about something else and I was in my own world." She sounded unintentionally stressed, her eyes making contact with Rhea's and Alex could see how hers were filled with concern.

"It's fine, but are you okay? You look stressed," And Rhea was always so understanding - - too understanding that it was very overwhelming because Alex didn't listen to a word she said yet Rhea only cared about her well-being.

She loved but hated how considerate and observant Rhea was.

This was probably the perfect time to say something, to finally say what Alex has been keeping a secret for a while now. However, she felt her heart race and her breath pick up since Rhea's eyes were directly on hers, looking right into her soul.

Alex knew that if Rhea continued to look at her like that, she could possibly see and figure out what Alex was holding back.

And that was the last thing Alex wanted.

Though, thankfully, Alex managed to shake her head, causing her to break away from Rhea's stare, "I'm just tired. You know, all the shows we had, I'm out of it right now." Alex lied for what seemed like the thousandth time.

And it appeared as if it was catching up to her since she looked back at Rhea to see her eyes narrowing for a slight second, like she could see right through her, but they relaxed quickly after.

Rhea's lips curved into a comforting grin, "Well, come here," She put her arm around Alex and brought her closer to her, making Alex smile as she laid against her, "You've been working hard, so of course you're tired but that's what I'm here for, so you can sleep on me,"

Alex let out a breath of amusement before she put her arm over Rhea's stomach, their legs intertwined with one another's under the sheets, and Rhea held her so close that their hold felt so unbreakable.

Alex hated lying to her and keeping things from her, but in some way, she felt like she had to - - to protect her. She couldn't just tell her because she knew Rhea would do anything to make her stay and she didn't want that.

She wanted to stay but she wanted to grow too, and staying in Australia meant she had to sacrifice. She wasn't ready to do that yet.

She wished she could take Rhea with her too but that wasn't going to happen either.

She could feel the tears building up in her arms, the stress of it all overbearing her conscious as she tightly held onto the side of Rhea's t-shirt, "You know if you ever need to talk about something, I'm here," Rhea's tone was so soft and consoling, she was comprehending the things she didn't know and Alex could feel the guilt pressing against her heart.

Rhea didn't deserve this. Alex didn't deserve her.

"I know," Alex could feel a tear leave her eyes, she was fortunate enough to be out of Rhea's view so she couldn't see her crying, "I'm so lucky to have you, Rhea."

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