𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 28 | not today

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"Babe," Alex could hear Rhea call for her but she continued taking off her jacket and walking toward the closet, not giving her any of her attention.

The stress of having to leave was becoming too much for Alex to handle, so now, she was dumping it onto Rhea. She didn't deserve that, but Alex didn't know what to do or how to deal with it better.

The day was near and she didn't know when, but it was soon.

She couldn't stand the thought of leaving Rhea, so she was doing anything she could to make Rhea hate her. She was hoping it would make leaving easier (but it wasn't at all). She hated how kind Rhea was to her, regardless of Alex being the biggest asshole.

She hated dealing with the fact of how she didn't deserve Rhea when it was becoming too clear that she deserved so much more.

"Babe," She heard Rhea call out to her again after a few seconds went by and she continued ignoring her, taking out a hanger and hanging up her jacket on the rack.

Rhea let out a frustrated breath and shook her head, "Alex,"

"What?" Alex slammed the closet door closed once she responded in a loud, annoyed tone and it only caused a confused look to form along Rhea's expression.

It was obvious she still didn't understand why Alex was acting like this and what caused the change in her behavior. Alex couldn't deal with it, seeing Rhea's eyes staring right into hers and hers softening once they made contact with Alex's, which caused her to shake her head and look away.

"What's wrong?" Rhea had asked softly and Alex sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes and walking past her to enter the bathroom.

"Nothing is wrong,"

"That's bullshit and we both know it," Rhea stood in the doorway, leaning against it and watching Alex turn on the sink, "We were at dinner, we were having a good time, and then, you suddenly change - I just know there's something wrong," The desperation in Rhea's voice as if she was so desperate to find an answer about Alex's behavior.

However, Alex had been keeping her in a dark for obvious reasons and she was going to keep it that way.

"Nothing's wrong, Rhea. How many times do I need to tell you?" Alex snapped back at her, looking toward her and taking her attention away from the sink. Her attitude was clear enough to show there was a problem, so it was easy to assume Rhea would accuse her of lying again.

And she did, "Then, why do you have this attitude?" She asked and she raised her eyebrows in a questioning manner, "The same attitude you've had for the past week, why does it even exist?"

Alex turned her attention back to the sink, raising whatever it was off and allowing silence to form. She didn't have an answer, because if she did, it would've had to be the truth and that definitely was not coming out.

"Is it from stress?" Yes.

"Is it from wrestling?" Yes.

"Did I do something?" No. Rhea didn't do anything to her, so this attitude was so undeserving, yet due to her lack of answers and her answering them in her head, it caused Rhea to sigh, loudly.

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