𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 39 | not today

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"You and Rhea used to be together? And you had sex?"

Toni's arrival was pretty instant.

She had come along with Tegan since they were still one another when Alex called her, which Alex was grateful for because the more company, the less her thoughts would overcome her senses.

Well, at least, that was how she thought it would work.

The tears never stopped pouring out of her eyes and her thoughts continued to replay every single word Rhea had told her.

She couldn't stop processing all of it - like how she could've done something different, how she could've just let her leave without saying a thing to her, how she could've prevented all of what just occurred - - she couldn't stop thinking about every one of those scenarios.

And then, there was Tegan and Toni, doing their utmost best to comfort her as best as they could.

"I knew it!" Tegan nearly jumped off the bed and instantly received a look from Alex with her swollen, red eyes, and also one from Toni, who nudged her back down in a reprimanding manner with her expression matching up to that.

"Damn - I'm sorry." She rubbed on the spot Toni had hit as she let a breath out, "But I did assume this for a while now. I was just excited about being right,"

And undoubtedly, Alex knew that.

It was clear for so long that Tegan was the only one piecing things together while the others were unsuspecting of this in any sort of way. Just like the rest of them, they dismissed Rhea's hatred for Alex, without any known explanation or backstory, as what it simply was.

Tegan always seemed to be ahead of everyone else when it came to presuming things between them.

"Wait a minute," Toni turned back to Tegan with narrowed eyes, "You assumed that and didn't even bother clueing me in about it? What kind of friend are you?"

Tegan obviously started to defend her reasonings since she thought Toni was serious, but Alex was the one to cut it off.

"It's fine, don't worry," Alex waved it off, "I had a feeling you knew about things, but I appreciate how you never made it a big deal or asked questions about it."

Tegan nodded, understandingly, "Yeah, of course. It wasn't any of my business, anyway,"

"It should've been mine, but you like keeping secrets clearly," Toni had her arms crossed against her chest, continuing her playfulness to tease Tegan as again, she began defending herself while Alex shook her head in amusement.

Toni shut her down, though, looking back toward Alex, "But that's why you couldn't tell me who it was. This all makes sense now,"

Alex gave her a nod in response. She wasn't exactly sure on what to say after that because part of her wanted to still keep certain details to herself, which was okay too, but she was aware they were going to ask questions about the relationship.

And just like she thought, it was asked.

"How long have you and Rhea actually known each other?" Toni questioned, earning a look from Tegan before she added, "Sorry, only answer if you want to. You're not forced to or anything like that,"

Alex sighed out, nervously running her hand down her arm, "For years," She answered with no detail, purposefully.

However, she knew more questions were going to come in.

"Mind sharing the story between you both?" Tegan was next to ask and before any one of them could react to it, she continued with, "I'm curious to know what happened between you two that would make her hate you as much as she does,"

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