𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 3 | not today

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Alex doesn't remember how long it's been since she has had to deal with excruciating back pain like she currently was.

She remained laying down on her bed, her attempt of sitting up for the tenth time being unsuccessful as she ended up sighing and falling back into her place on the bed. She laid there with her hands on her face since she knew she wasn't going to be able to sit up for a while.

Wrestling was full of soreness in its aftermath but to be in this much pain the day after, the match must've been good. And, indeed it was.

She and Rhea had received a standing ovation from the audience after Rhea had defeated her in that simple, typical match. Rhea was tearing her apart, being more physical and having more energy than anyone Alex has ever faced, but Alex was matching her energy right out of the gate.

It was an entertaining match as both women were adding all their strength and force into every move they did toward each other.

However, as scheduled, Rhea had won by pin-fall.

They didn't expect to receive as many compliments as they did when they went backstage.

Everyone kept emphasizing how they had amazing chemistry with each other in the ring for their first ever match against each other, but Rhea would shake her head and her response would be loud enough for Alex to hear wherever she was, "Of course, it was. I carried the match. I hope I don't ever have to wrestle with her again." Alex would then laugh amongst herself since she knew Rhea was just doing that to piss her off.

Alex could remember the numerous times they trained with each other, learning each other's moves and wrestling each other until they couldn't stand anymore.

Little did everyone know, they've always had good chemistry with each other. Rhea, of course, added more moves to her arsenal but they were easy to adjust to, and Rhea was adjusting to her new move set pretty easily as well.

It felt genuinely nice to get back into the ring with her. Alex could even admit that she missed wrestling with her.

However, Alex's thoughts seemed to suppress as the pain in her back became even more excruciating once she tried to sit up again. She really believed she was dying.

Her hands ran down her face and once they did, she reached over to the counter next to her to grab her phone, which she unlocked and immediately dialed a person's number.

She sat there, her hand resting on her forehead and the other holding the phone that was pressed against her ear as it rang. She took a breath in before she heard the person pick up, "Toni," She paused for a second, where her friend responded with a simple, light-hearted, "What?"

"I need help."

It probably took Toni about twenty minutes to rush through her hotel room door with pill bottles falling to the floor once she did.

Alex shook her head as she turned to see her closing the door, "Always have to make a grand entrance, don't you, Toni?" Alex let out a laugh with her statement, watching her pick up the bottles she dropped as Toni sucked her teeth, standing up with a slight grin, "Shut up."

Toni began to walk over but that only caused a question to leave Alex's mouth as she thought about it, "How did you get in?" Her eyebrow was raised, her eyes still watching her friend walk over to her.

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