𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 41 | not today

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Alex couldn't believe how difficult it was to breathe.

It used to be so effortless - a thing she done so subconsciously - and now, she was completely mindful of it all.

She just knew she had to take those deep breaths because if she didn't, she knew she wasn't going to be able to do this. That's all she had been feeling as she approached the apartment complex.

The air was so thick and Alex was internally thanking the heavens that she was outdoors because she could've only assumed how much worse it would've been if she was inside somewhere.

She just knew this was wrong.

Being here was wrong, wanting to speak to her was wrong, all of it - it was all wrong.

Yet she couldn't fight the urge in needing to do this.

That need - it was going to devastate her. And she knew it, she just needed to experience it for whatever reason it may be.

She simply knew that if she didn't do this, it would suffocate her mind until she did, which was why she figured now was the perfect time. Though, there wasn't ever going to be a perfect time for this.

It just needed to be done.

Alex walked closer and closer until she stopped right at the door where the apartment intercom was. All she had to do was press on Rhea's apartment number (that Toni had told her in the car) and wait for a response, whether that would be Rhea buzzing her in or her speaking through it.

So, she did.

She pressed on the button, held it there for a second, before pulling away and standing there.

And she waited.

She waited.

And she waited.

She could've probably convinced herself that she had been standing there, waiting, for what seemed like eternity, but in all actuality, only about a minute had gone by. Though, right when she took a breath in, something had interrupted her.

"Who's there?"

The voice came back with and instantly, Alex felt her heart falling down from her chest.

It was obviously her. There was no doubt it wasn't Rhea.

However, Alex felt the words trap themselves in her throat. She was unable to gather her composure enough to say something, even though she knew she had to.

"Who's there?" The same question came through again, her voice sounding as annoyed as it was the first time, and Alex knew she had to say something now.

"It's - - it's Alex." She stammered on her words, embarrassingly, feeling all of her anxious feelings come up. And due to the silence in response, she decided to keep talking, "And whether you let me in or you come downstairs -

"What are you doing here?"

"Look, Rhea, I'm not here to argue with you - just please," Alex took a breath to compose herself, because she hated feeling so desperate, "I need to talk to you,"

Alex could hear the intercom go silent for a few seconds - a couple of seconds too long - before it came back on and shuffling could be heard. That was until . . .

"Give me a minute." And again, it went silent.

Alex didn't know what to take from that, but she could only hope and pray that Rhea was coming downstairs and wasn't going to leave her there like an idiot. That was a big possibility, but Alex was so hoping that wasn't the case.

𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘛𝘖𝘋𝘈𝘠  | RHEA RIPLEYWhere stories live. Discover now