𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 30 | not today

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"Did you pack your whole wardrobe in here? Why the hell is this so heavy?"

They all made it to the UK as safely as they possibly could and Alex couldn't be more thankful for that. She dealt with her fear of flying by holding onto Rhea's hand the whole plane ride and luckily, Rhea wasn't even bothered by it.

She let her do so without complaining and without saying a word about it. There would be times when turbulence took place or the plane would take a slight drop, and Alex would tighten her grip and Rhea would do the same.

Alex tended to look at her whenever she did, but Rhea's eyes were either closed or watching a movie on the monitor before her. Alex didn't mind, really. She was just grateful Rhea allowed her to even make physical contact with her.

"Shut up, there's barely anything in there," Alex replied back, hearing Rhea huffing behind her as they approached Alex's room.

Rhea was helping Alex take her luggage to the room whilst the others settled into their own.

Now, Dakota offered to help Alex so Rhea didn't have to, but Rhea was very, very adamant about helping her instead. Alex couldn't help but find it cute that she wanted to help - the thought of Rhea actually wanting to hasn't left her mind.

Alex continued walking down the hallway with her crutches at her slow pace, where she then stopped once she made it to the door, "Barely? Yeah, okay," Rhea huffed, sarcastically, and Alex turned back to her to meet her bothered face.

She rolled her eyes at her before she took out the keycard to her door and pressed it against the sensor, hearing it make a noise before, "Hey, wait up, guys,"

Both of them turned to the end of the hallway to see Toni closing her room door.

Alex had the room furthest down the hallway as everyone else had rooms right next to each other in the other direction. It didn't matter, really.

However, it was pretty funny to see Toni rushing down the hallway like she was.

"Oh my god," Rhea started, gently nudging Alex's back in a way of telling her to hurry up, "Get in the room before she gets here." Her tone had this apparent desperation within it, which caused Alex to shake her head in amusement before she opened the door to walk in.

Alex walked over toward the bed and Rhea seemed to not waste any time getting into the room. She tried to close the door behind her but was having difficulty doing so because of the luggage in her hand.

By the time she dropped it to close the door completely, Toni's hand stopped it as her face appeared within the opening of the door, "Nice try," She looked at Rhea with narrowed eyes and a forced grin whilst Rhea sucked her teeth and sighed.

Rhea was simply being the asshole she never failed at being as she picked up the luggage she dropped and moved it to a better place in the room. Toni walked in and closed the door behind her as Alex took a seat on the bed, placing the crutches by her side.

"We have a party to go to tomorrow," Toni came through, gaining both Rhea and Alex's attention whereas Alex was interested and Rhea had an exasperated look on her face.

"A party?" Rhea immediately questioned letting out a breath and paying attention elsewhere afterward.

Alex knew Rhea hated parties, or any social event possible. It was never Rhea's setting - she never told Alex a reason why she didn't like it, she just knew she didn't.

Alex wasn't the biggest fan of them either, but she didn't mind going to them.

"Well, it isn't really a party," Toni corrected herself, "It's more like a small get-together to, you know, celebrate the pay-per-view," She was trying to make it sound like it was worthwhile to go to, especially since Rhea was reacting so poorly to it.

"But there is an actual party after TakeOver, though, that we are all going to," Toni had to add, which made Rhea instantly breathe out loud in complete annoyance.

Alex looked over toward her to see her sitting at the edge of the bed with her arms folded against her chest while glaring Toni down, "Why do we need to celebrate this TakeOver so much?" Rhea's question was a good point as Alex watched her posture change after she asked.

The pay-per-view was an obvious excuse for everyone to just party and not to celebrate a thing, because yes, pay-per-views are to be celebrated since it is a big deal but not enough to party over.

"I'm not going to either of the parties. It's not that serious," Rhea made her choice known (as if it wasn't clear already).

Toni didn't take long to respond by giving her an irritated look of her own, "Rhea, come on. You're always so up-tight, nowadays,"

Rhea bent her eyebrows in a bothersome way as Toni continued, "This is your chance to finally let loose and have some fun for once,"

Rhea seemed to disapprove of that, sucking her teeth, "First of all, I have plenty of fun without going to stupid parties and secondly, I don't like parties so I'm still not going,"

She looked at Toni, pointing her finger at her, "And you," Then, her finger shifted its way to point at Alex, who put a confused look on her face once Rhea turned her attention toward her, "Or you could convince me otherwise,"

"I didn't even say anything," Alex chimed in, acting playfully offended at Rhea's action since she didn't, in fact, say anything as of yet.

That didn't mean she wasn't, though.

Rhea sent her a threatening glare, anyway, and Alex couldn't help but curve her lips into a smirk, "Look, I'm not going to sit here and convince you because like it or not, we are all going," Toni caught Rhea's attention again, telling her how it is.

Rhea was about to argue but Toni cut her off by telling her to shut up, and Alex enjoyed it too much when Toni did so because Rhea would end up listening. It was funny since Toni was literally the only person Rhea would listen to, just like she did at the airport.

"It's okay, Rhea. We could be together throughout the whole thing," Alex decided to be nice about it, her eyes right on Rhea, who turned back to her, "We could have fun together,"

She did know Rhea was going to respond with some rude response she can come up with as Rhea then rolled her eyes, "Yeah, the last thing I want is to have any fun with you,"

It wasn't the worst response Alex thought of her coming back with, but it did meet her expectation.

"Anyway, I'll see you two tomorrow. I'm going to get some rest," Toni spoke, taking some time to stretch in between before she walked over to open the door.

"And Rhea, wake up with a better attitude tomorrow," She added that additional comment only to playfully get under Rhea's skin and it did its purpose.

"Get out before I get up and beat your ass," Rhea responded back with an attitude, causing Toni and Alex to laugh.

Rhea shook her head at the both of them annoying her as Toni waved at Alex before leaving the room completely, the door shutting behind her which left the two other women in silence.

Alex stood staring at Rhea, unintentionally of course, but it wasn't a bad thing since she was such a sight to remain looking at. However, she was more in her thoughts since she knew she was going to force Rhea to go to the parties with her, regardless if she gives her a hard time or not.

This was when Rhea stopped looking at the door and looked over at her, her eyebrows furrowing almost instantly after making contact with Alex's eyes.

"What?" She questioned, innocently, and Alex couldn't fight away the grin forming on her lips.

"You're going to those parties," Alex told her, seeing Rhea huff and smile, unamused by her sentence.

"Yeah, we'll see."


hey guys - expect the story to speed up bc we are getting to the good part and the parts of been trying to get to for ages. i hope you all enjoyed and thank you for your patience and support throughout it all!

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