𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 33 | not today

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"Can you two be more excited? Tonight is TakeOver,"

Alex watched both Toni and Rhea sprawled out on the bed before her as they were waiting on Dakota and Tegan so they could all go get breakfast with one another.

However, Dakota and Tegan were clearly taking their time and not rushing for whatever reason she didn't know.

Toni was slightly hungover and Rhea was acting as if she was overly tired, like she didn't get enough rest last night. Alex would know if she did since they slept with one another, but that was something she was going to keep to herself.

She was just shocked Rhea didn't want her to leave last night. But, Alex wasn't complaining.

Alex left Rhea's room early in the morning, just in case one of the others came by the room and wanted to see Rhea. She didn't want to get stuck in making up some excuse as to why she was there at that time of day.

Toni caught her once, and she was never going to let her, or anyone else, catch her with Rhea like that ever again.

"Both of you are headlining tonight and neither of you are showing any type of excitement toward that," Alex continued, watching Toni shift over a bit as Rhea remained in the same position on the bed.

"I'll get excited later. It's too early for me to be functioning right now," Toni ran her hands down her face in a tired, irritated manner, placing her arms back to her sides afterward.

Rhea sucked her teeth, sighing out loud, "No, it's not. You're only saying that since you're hungover," She stood looking up at the ceiling while Toni turned to send her a look, "You would be bouncing off the walls if you weren't - - being annoying as you usually are."

"No, I wouldn't be. I'm never annoying at this time of day," Toni immediately argued back and for some reason, it caused both Toni and Rhea to start bickering with one another.

It obviously wasn't serious, but it was pretty humorous to see since Rhea kept bringing up many points of how annoying Toni can be early in the morning, especially when they left to the UK at the airport.

It was clear Rhea didn't mean everything she said, but Alex did have to agree with her - very subtly, though, because if Toni had seen her do so, that would've created another argument in itself.

Alex let them continue their playful exchange until she walked over to the windows, opening the curtains as completely as she could. That's when the sun had shined through and onto the both of them laying on the bed, causing them both to let out a groan.

"Alex, what the hell?"

"Yeah, Alex, what did you do that for?"

They both made their opinions known, irritatingly huffing and breathing out in exasperation whilst they covered their eyes with their hands and arms.

Alex was amused by it and she did it solely for that reaction that came out of both of them. It was genuinely satisfying to bother them as they were irritating her with their argument.

"You two were getting annoying, so I had to shut you up somehow," She watched them continue to groan in displeasure before she proceeded speaking herself, "And I'm not liking the lack of energy you both have when TakeOver is literally in a couple of hours."

Toni rolled over to lay her face against the mattress to prevent any sunlight from hitting her and Rhea had sat up a few seconds after, furrowing her eyebrows in somewhat of a confused realization.

"Where's Tegan and Dakota? They're taking too long now. It's pissing me off," Rhea abruptly changed the subject, taking a look at Alex, who shrugged her shoulders since she didn't know for herself.

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