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Alex was with someone who she couldn't see a future with, even though she so desperately wanted to, and that might've been the scariest part.

It was unfortunate, almost unfair, how things sometimes can never be the way it should be.

She didn't know what to believe about her decision to travel across the world to train for her dream, whether it was a right or wrong choice, only because she had fallen in love with a woman - she had never seen herself doing that.

She had been with countless men in her past, but she was never one to being open to dating the same sex. She never pictured herself doing so, though she did and fell in love with her.

It was a feeling she had never experienced with anyone else she was with and she had never thought she would encounter the feeling at such a young age.

However, the woman she was in love with was younger than her as well and was in the same boat as she was - - never thought she would date a woman and she dated men in the past, but still gained feelings and ended up falling for Alex.

Though, Alex's time was limited in Australia, because she needed to go back home. She only wanted to stay there for a year and a few months to develop in a different independent scene, but in that time, she met her and everything is explained.

They were together almost every day after they had become good friends, spending time and doing everything with each other.

Everything seemed like all fun and games when they shared a few, frequent kisses and did other things regular friends wouldn't do, but that continued to grow into feelings and emotions that were so much more.

She was hopelessly in love with a woman she had to leave behind. She decided to do that without saying a single word to her and without a trace when her time was up, so she wouldn't have to feel the heartbreak but she did anyways.

Those three words were never shared amongst each other and maybe, that's why it didn't add to any of the guilt Alex had because the woman didn't know for sure but it was quite obvious.

It was probably a senseless decision to leave when she could've and wanted to stay but she did it anyways and at the time, she was hoping to never see Rhea again, so she wouldn't feel responsible for what she did.

She had grown more confident as the years went by, her ego increasing, as she went to many different promotions and held their titles.

All of her accomplishments were getting to her head and building up her self-esteem, making her as selfish and egocentric as she never thought she could be.

She was already selfish but she was seeing it more.

Alex had disrupted her love with someone else and disrupting love is a dangerous thing, because whoever was meant to be in her life, they will always drift back towards her, regardless of how far she wandered.

Time failed to stop as it never did, years flew by like nothing and Alex had never thought she would see her again, but she was going to. It took a lot of time until she was signed to the NXT UK brand, where she was.

"Walking around gets me tired," Those words had come from Toni Storm, her head shaking as she let out a breath.

She was someone Alex had known for years and who Alex actually kept in contact with throughout the years she had been wrestling since they practically wrestled with each other almost everywhere numerous times.

Toni was introducing her to some of the other women in the backstage area of an NXT UK taping, as if Alex didn't already know them, but she was thankful for it.

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