𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 34 | not today

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Today was the last day Alex would spend in the UK and the day came and went, and Alex didn't even realize the night had fallen upon her, which meant another party she had to go to.

Alex spent the day in her hotel room, resting and icing her leg while watching TV for the most part. Toni had stopped by in the morning to remind her of the party they were going to later tonight and they hung out for a few before Toni left.

She didn't hear much from Rhea, Dakota, or Tegan, though.

She was perfectly fine with staying in her room and relaxing, especially with how much she has been on her feet the past couple of days, but it was weird not hearing from them all day with their rooms only being a few steps away.

She could've easily gone to one of their rooms to bother them, but like she had simply done, she just stayed in her room to herself until Toni came to bother her.

It was Toni who let her know that even though Rhea made a fuss about it, she was actually going to the party later along with them. In true honesty, Alex was not expecting her to, mostly due to the fact of what happened at the last party she was forced to go to, but she wasn't going to question it.

She was happy Rhea was going.

Though, Alex didn't expect to find herself standing in the venue of the party in some corner, stirring her drink.

She, Dakota, Tegan, and Toni had arrived about an hour ago and they had said their usual greetings to the people they knew before they seemed to all disperse from one another as they seemingly got caught up in different things.

And there, Alex had gotten her drink, spoke to a couple of people, and this is where she was left to be.

Though, subconsciously, she was waiting for Rhea's arrival. Rhea had stood back in the hotel since she wasn't ready when everyone else was, so she told the others to leave without her and they did.

Alex did fight to stay and wait for her, but Toni wasn't budging on that idea so she left it alone and went along with them.

However, Alex was a bit concerned over whether Rhea would show up or not. She shouldn't be caring as much about it (if she was honest) but she couldn't stop thinking about her.

The thoughts of Rhea were becoming so uncontrollable and Alex started to feel each and every one of them pressure against her heart. She knew it was simply because there was so much needed to be said but she was keeping it all in, at the expense of her sanity.

Alex was a ticking time bomb. She just doesn't know when she's going to explode.

She was whatever it was to prevent that, though. She continued to convince herself that, that was the best option, but her mind was starting to reconsider that now.

That maybe - just maybe - it was probably best to say something to her about the way she was feeling, their past - - that maybe, it was time for her to say something about it clearly and directly.

Especially with how close they've gotten and how vulnerable Rhea has become with her on this trip - it seemed right to do so.

But, she knew deep down it wouldn't be right for her to do that. She ruined things a long time ago. She had no right to feel the way she was and to do what she wanted to do.

The consequence of her actions from then, is to endure the struggle of keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself now.

"Hey," Alex quickly looked over at the voice who had gotten close to her due to her lack of awareness, only for her to breathe out in relief.

𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘛𝘖𝘋𝘈𝘠  | RHEA RIPLEYWhere stories live. Discover now