𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 12 | not today

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"You have got to be kidding me, Demetri."

Alex had her eyes on Toni through the mirror whilst Rhea was further away from them. She was on the phone with her supposed boyfriend once again as this was a reoccurring thing.

Rhea, Toni, and Alex have been consistently hanging out for the past couple of weeks after they had 'apologize' to each other, basically working out for the most part while Alex would sit there to talk and watch them, as she would sometimes work out her upper body too.

Being with them was fun since Toni and her would joke around and Alex would ultimately do anything that would annoy Rhea (which would work) and they would constantly go back and forth with one another - - never anything serious but Rhea was never one to find it actually humorous, anyway.

Though then, Rhea would always get a call that would ruin her mood. It happened multiple times and they didn't know who it was when it happened the first time, but then, it became too apparent as to who it was.

And it was happening, currently, again.

They looked at each other during the awkward environment that settled in since they would witness Rhea's heated nature at a far distance; it was the complete opposite of the way she was acting minutes before this.

Alex's eyes diverted to look at Rhea through the mirror. She was infuriated but it wasn't anything Alex wasn't used to since Alex would tend to get that same reaction out of her, but this was over the top.

Alex knew she could get Rhea mad but like that? Alex would have to do more than bother her.

Alex did remember one time she got Rhea that angry. It was a long, long time ago but this was not the place to think about it so much.

She didn't like seeing Rhea this heated, anyway. It wasn't something Alex enjoyed seeing, especially when she knew it was her stupid boyfriend causing it. He basically would call her to ruin her mood and it would always happen when Toni and Alex were with her.

It is honestly pathetic for him to do that, most likely knowing she was outside with people and causing her to get exasperated as she does. Alex just had another reason to dislike him, besides the fact that he is dating her ex, who completely denies that they are exes in the first place.

As lost as she was in her thoughts, she hadn't realized that Rhea had gotten off the phone. She heard her stomping back toward the two of them, clearly pissed off. This happened too many times already for Alex to know what will happen next.

Rhea would pick up her bag, angrily state that she was leaving without a reason, and rush out the exit.

She was in the current process of doing that but this time, Alex wasn't going to accept it, "I'll see you guys around. I have to get going - -

"Why?" Alex had cut Rhea off, causing the angered woman to glare directly at her. She was clearly towering over her since Alex was seated on one of the workout machines but Alex remained unbothered.

She tilted her head, slightly, only to see Rhea's eyebrows bend downward, "It's better if you shut your mouth and mind your - -

"You know what I find funny?" Again, she interrupted Rhea, her eyes widening in response whilst Toni stood there, watching in a nervous manner.

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