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Physical therapy was an ass-whooping.

Alex didn't have pain while doing it, but most of it was challenging and very difficult. For the most part, it was different light stretches since it was the first couple of weeks that she started.

It was as if she had to relearn how to use her left leg all over again and that's exactly what it was.

She took her time and the therapists she had always helped her even when she was struggling. Tegan was even there at times to give her humorous, motivational words to take her time and to breathe, even when Tegan herself wasn't even doing that.

Tegan did make the therapy sessions at the Performance Center worthwhile as she distracted Alex from how difficult it was the majority of the time.

Alex had gotten used to it, however, as time passed whilst Toni busted her ass all the way to the Finals as well as Io Shirai, who defeated Rhea in the semi-finals. Toni has told her all about it and she couldn't be anymore happier for her friend.

She was also a bit humored that Rhea was scheduled to lose to Io as she expected her to be scheduled to advance to the Finals with Toni.

However, Rhea did win something and it wasn't the Mae Young Classic. A lot of time did pass as the NXT UK Women's Championship Tournament happened and Rhea was the one who won it, obtaining the NXT UK Women's Championship and being the first one to do so.

It was as if it was done on purpose since that was what Alex was supposed to win but the injury had prevented that and now the woman who hates her the most holds it.

Alex couldn't help but laugh when she heard that.

However, Evolution was coming up and Alex was due to make an appearance there. She wanted to be there to support Toni, after all she was doing for her. She wanted to be there to cheer for her as she fought to win the tournament and accomplish what she wished to do the year before.

Being there made Alex excited and even though she wasn't involved the way she hoped she would be many months before, as long as she was there, that made her happy.

She laid in her bed with the blanket over her as she browsed through the TV channels. She couldn't find anything to watch and she was bored. She couldn't really do much besides lay down in bed since getting up and walking around with the crutches really started to annoy her.

She didn't appreciate walking around, not injured, enough and she was starting to realize that now.

Toni had walked out to go do something and it had been a while since she had left. She was the only thing that preoccupied her when she was at home or Alex would take long naps throughout the day due to boredom.

It was the same routine every day with an occasional walking around whenever Toni had free time to do so.

Alex would hang out with Tegan - and sometimes, Dakota if she was there - at her apartment from time to time but again, only if Toni had enough free time to drop her off since it wasn't like Alex could walk or drive over there as of yet.

It was something to get used to and Alex was struggling to do so since she wanted to do so much while being limited to doing so little.

She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, before hearing the front door's locks shifting, which signaled her that Toni was back. She was relieved and happy that she now had someone to bother again since she was too bored right now.

She heard the door open and then close, hearing a few curses once it did.

"Hey, Toni, I know you just got here but can you get me a water? I'm too lazy to get up." Alex had screamed out, it wasn't always Alex would ask for Toni to get her something.

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