𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 16 | not today

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"So, how have you been feeling?"

Alex found herself sitting in front of Rhea as they continued to converse about little things like her workout today, as well as wrestling, but nothing really important. Alex still felt weirdness within her simply because Rhea was acting completely normal, with no hatred or rudeness being present whatsoever.

It was something that was taking her a while to process because she didn't expect this sort of kindness to be so apparent.

They have been alone a couple of times before this but there was always that rude attitude she would have, whether it be more playful or sarcastic than it would be around others, it has been nowhere to be found.

Alex wasn't going to put her guard down. She knew at any time and any moment, Rhea's behavior could shift.

"Well, I've been doing good enough, I guess," Alex let out a breath along with her response as Rhea's question was in reference to her health and her leg.

She watched Rhea look beneath the table to take a look at the boot Alex was wearing, "There's still pain from time to time but everything seems to be getting better by the day."

Rhea nodded, listening and taking in her response whilst she picked up the menu from the table and began looking through it, "No pain recently? Because that shit looks like it always hurts."

Alex shrugged her shoulders, taking in a breath, "Sometimes, it hurts more often at night but not as much anymore."

Rhea nodded once more, closing the menu and then locking her eyes with the woman across from her, and Alex doesn't think she has ever become that breathless as quickly and as much as she did at that moment. 

"That's good," And what added fuel to the fire was Rhea raising her eyebrow - - Alex's breath was definitely taken away from her.

She had to gain self-control in that instant because she knew Rhea would sense what was going on with her if she didn't.

So, she cleared her throat, embarrassingly almost, as it earned a questionable look from Rhea as Alex decided to clear it again before taking a sip of the water that was brought to them when they had sat down.

She then had witnessed Rhea's lips curve slightly in a humored manner but she couldn't be sure since Rhea looked away for a second as Alex gathered herself, "How have you been? You know, with everything?"

Her tone was beyond awkward and she hated how nervous she sounded because it wasn't supposed to be this way. It was humiliating since she was able to remain calm around Rhea but this time, it was as if her body failed her and she didn't understand.

Though, she did know she was going to have to gain that control over herself because she wasn't going to let that happen again.

"I've been good," The waiter had come over to take their orders, interrupting her reply, as he wrote down what they wanted and then took their menus back before walking away, where her eyes made contact with Alex's once again.

She continued with her answer, "A little bit stressed with things but it doesn't matter,"

Alex hummed in acknowledgment, taking another sip of her water and then placing the cup back onto the table, "Stressed about what?" She asked, subconsciously, since she did genuinely care about what but a second after, she realized she wasn't someone to intrude into Rhea's business (since weeks ago, Rhea did make that known).

She watched Rhea raise her eyebrow again, this time in question and slight amusement, where Alex caught herself, "Sorry, it's none of my business—

"Oh, relax, Alex," Rhea laughed and it confused Alex as it was too evident Alex was on edge with everything being done and said, "It's not a big deal to ask questions,"

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