𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 8 | not today

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Alex was getting used to seeing Rhea more often.

It seemed like every time Toni went to the gym, Rhea would go with her and that's where Alex would be invited so she wouldn't have to stay in her room all day long.

She would sit around and watch them do their workout plans, subconsciously wishing she could've been doing it with them, even though it looked pretty excruciatingly difficult.

She would lift weights from time to time too but Toni would become a cautious mother and tell Alex not to do so much, even though her arms are perfectly fine. Rhea would only watch and smirk or would roll her eyes if Alex caught her looking.

However, Alex always stared at Rhea working out because it was simply a sight to watch. To see her ripped muscles, her well-defined torso, and back - it was too nice not to watch.

She lifted weights effortlessly and she worked hard to get stronger. Alex couldn't pry her eyes off her.

And that's what she was currently doing, staring at her workout as she sat on a machine that wasn't being used. The gym was empty since it was very early in the morning and they rather get their work done without running into a lot of people because sometimes, it can get pretty hectic.

Toni was there as well but she was doing something outside, most likely looking for something in her car. They were almost done with their workout as they were now ready to do their own individual things.

She was now lifting weights in a way to complete the workout.

Alex watched, not creepily but in an admiring way, as Rhea looked up when she put the weight down and looked straight at Alex through the mirror before her, she put her hands on her waist, "You never stop, do you?"

Her question caused Alex to smile as she heard the irritation within her voice. It was nice getting used to her attitude, it was getting easier and easier to handle every time they would converse.

Alex shrugged her shoulders, sitting up from her somewhat laid-back position, "It's not my fault you look good while working out." She raised her eyebrows with her smug grin on her face and she watched the other woman roll her eyes, causing her to laugh.

"You should keep your eyes to yourself." That was her reply as she turned around to Alex, her eyes directly on her.

Alex took a breath in and shrugged her shoulders, a smirk forming upon her lips, "Oh, please. You used to love it when I used to watch you work out." Her response made Rhea's eyebrow raise in a questioning way as Alex was speaking in a mocking tone.

Alex watched Rhea think about it for a moment as if she was going to say something that referred to it, but she knew better than that. Rhea let a laugh escape past her lips, "Alex, do you not understand that we have never met before? You bring up things from the past like we were friends."

Alex then shrugged her shoulders, it didn't bother her. Rhea's denial never did but of course, that didn't stop her from hoping for a different answer, though.

"You continue to mistake me for someone else -

"No, it was you." Alex interrupted her with certainty in her voice, causing Rhea to huff in response, "We used to work out together all the time, especially in a way you used to enjoy so much - -

"You're so delusional and disgusting." Her interruption made Alex laugh, her sentence was made for that reaction and Rhea reacted perfectly to what she wanted.

She knew she would - obviously, she won't admit the truth within Alex's sentence - and that's what made everything more humorous.

Alex stared right at her with a smile on her face as Rhea had a disgusted one. She took off her cap and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"When are you ever going to admit we know each other, Rhea?" Alex asked, her lips still curved in amusement as her eyes watched Rhea put her cap back on like it was.

She chuckled, shrugging her shoulders, "Never, because I just met you recently. So, stop." This was when her eyes shifted upward, in which Alex turned around as well to see Toni walking over toward both of them.

She looked out of breath and tired, as if she ran over to them.

This caused both of them to laugh, "You guys ready to leave?" Toni spoke while trying to catch her breath, this is when Rhea's ringtone started blasting throughout the gym.

Alex and Toni gave her a look before she said a quick 'sorry' before rushing to her bag and taking out her phone.

She looked at it and sighed, shaking her head whilst it looked like she declined the call. She threw her phone back into the bag and was about to turn back around but that was until her phone rang again, causing her to release an annoyed huff, in which she grabbed her phone and looked at it again.

Alex and Toni shared a look with each other, raising their eyebrows at each other, until Rhea seemingly picked up and brought the phone to her ear while picking up the bag with her open hand.

She put it over her shoulder before saying, "What do you want, Demetri?"

She was clearly bothered and she immediately walked past Toni to the exit of the gym. Toni didn't get in her way either since Rhea was practically a train that would've rolled right by her. Alex was curious enough as Toni let out a breath, then she walked over to Alex to help her stand up.

"There goes her mood," Toni stated as a joke, which caused Alex to let out a small chuckle under her breath.

Toni helped Alex to her feet, holding her up as Alex grabbed her crutches and put them into their position, so she can be comfortable and stand by herself.

Toni then walked over to get her bag from the floor and Alex couldn't help but look toward the exit doors to see Rhea speaking on the phone. She looked enraged and looked as if she was obviously shouting at the person she was talking to. Alex couldn't help but want to know who she was speaking to, though.

Her curiosity got the best of her, "Who is she talking to?"

Toni stood up and put her bag over her shoulder, her eyebrows furrowing, "She said Demetri, right?" Toni responded with a question of her own and Alex nodded, remembering Rhea saying that guy's name, to which Toni nodded, knowingly.

"Yeah, that's her boyfriend."

Alex was taken back from Toni and she swallowed down hard, feeling her heart stop beating and her stomach dropping to the floor.



sorry for taking so long to update, I suck I know but I have ideas for this so expect more and more. thank you for reading and i love every one of you sm 🤍🤍🤍

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