𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 15 | not today

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"Wow, it's a miracle you decided to drive me home since Toni couldn't."

Alex had looked over to Rhea, who was driving, as her teasing tone seemingly made Rhea's lips curve into a small grin that looked as if she was trying to fight it off. She had her backward cap on and just her, in general, was simply breathtaking.

Alex had to control herself and she was bettering herself when it came to that because she shouldn't be thinking that way in the first place.

She shook her head, her eyes rolling at Alex's statement, "Yeah, I decided I wanted to be nice to you for once," Her response was least expected as Alex had expected a typical, sarcastic remark back but it was a genuine one.

Alex was shocked, Rhea's lips forming into a smile of her own and her eyes were right on the street before them.

Alex couldn't help but admire Rhea's side profile for that minute or two before Rhea spoke again, "How was therapy?" She questioned, once more catching Alex by surprise due to her kind, sincere tone - - it simply felt so weird because she was acting a bit too nice.

As if she were too happy to be around Alex when she portrayed otherwise many times before this, even in private.

Though, Alex looked away right in time so she wouldn't catch her staring as Rhea pulled up at a red light and looked over at her with that grin still on her face.

Alex waited a second before diverting her attention back to Rhea to meet her stare, "It was fine. A bit painful but nothing out of the ordinary."

Rhea nodded and smiled, turning back to the street to see when the light would turn green, "How was your day?" Alex decided to ask, still having her gaze focused on her to see Rhea shrug her shoulders, her foot pressing on the gas, which signaled that the light had turned green.

"I just worked out all day, then Toni ended up calling me and asked if I could take you home,"

Alex watched her expression relax a bit and she took the opportunity to tease, "I'm surprised you didn't say no,"

Rhea's lips curved into an amused smile, a small laugh escaping her lips at Alex's response, "Please, I'm just as surprised as you are."

Both of them shared a laugh at Rhea's response as Alex found herself unable to take her eyes away from looking at Rhea. She was simply mesmerizing - she tells that to herself every single time she sees her and it annoys her pretty much, but it was the absolute truth.

Everything about Rhea was practically perfect, besides the rude attitude she tends to get but at least, she wasn't having one now.

"But I'm in a good mood today and like I said, I decided to be nice for once," This reminded Alex of the old Rhea, not the one who falls in her cranky, disrespectful mood on most occasions, but the one she fell in love with years ago, and the one she is still in love with - though, she wasn't going to admit it verbally.

The idea of being in love with her still was too drowned out in her heart for her to say it, not like she deserved to say it anyway.

"You should be nice more often." Alex still had her eyes on her whilst the car pulled up to another red light and she didn't think Rhea would look over, but she did.

Her light eyes meeting with Alex's, Alex felt her heart stop right then and there.

Rhea raised her eyebrow and tapped on the steering wheel, "To you? I would have to consider that since I don't like you very much." She had laughed after she finished speaking and Alex rolled her eyes playfully at her light-hearted tone.

Alex turned back to the street, shaking her head at Rhea's stupidity for a bit, "The feeling is mutual, asshole."

Alex stood looking forward as Rhea made a right on the next street and almost instantly, she pulled into a parking spot, where Alex became very confused and looked at her for a second.

Rhea had put the car in park and began taking off her seatbelt, "You hungry? Because I am."

This is when Alex looked out her window to see that they were in front of a restaurant and Alex stood there for a second looking, which is why she didn't respond and that is why Rhea sucked her teeth a few seconds after, "To be honest, I don't care if you are or aren't. You're going to eat with me either way, so it looks like you don't have a choice."

Rhea then opened her door and got out of the car in a quick motion, closing the door once she got out completely, and Alex remained frozen in confusion.

Maybe she was a bit afraid at how nice Rhea was acting but Rhea wanting to sit down with her in a restaurant, which meant that they had to converse with one another, was beyond unusual since Alex was used to Rhea being nice sometimes like she was in the car, but this?

Her actually choosing to hang out or be with her for a long period of time, it was scaring her but more in a shocked way.

And this was without Rhea complaining either.

Alex had taken off her seatbelt and heard her door open, causing her to look over right away to see Rhea standing there. Her beautiful smile was apparent and Alex's stare stood fixated on it until Rhea stuck her hand out to her, "Let me help you out before you tear something else in your leg."

Alex had laughed along with her, mumbling a curse at her in response, which made Rhea laugh even more as Alex placed her hand in hers.

Rhea grabbed it gently, where their hands interlocked, as Rhea softly pulled her up whilst Alex stood up with Rhea's help, once again bringing them to where they were back in Alex's room as they stood a short distance apart.

Though, it wasn't awkward or worrying like it was before, it was rather comfortable since Rhea still had her grin on her face as they stood apart from each other and this reaction only sent Alex's thoughts into chaos in her mind, because she couldn't make sense of Rhea's mood.

"You okay?" She asked, softly, but her tone was still very light-hearted and Alex replied with a nod in response.

She looked so sincere and authentic as if she was actually acting like this because she was actually being nice or like this was something that always happened. However, she had moved for Rhea to close the door behind them both.

They then began to walk to the entrance of the restaurant, "It's honestly so weird seeing you walk without crutches," Rhea was watching Alex walk and making fun of her, where Alex nudged her as they laughed with one another.

"Just shut up already."


pretty weird that rhea is being too nice right? yeah i wouldn't know why? 😅

anyways, i feel like i apologize in every chapter i write since i take so long updating this. i truly apologize for taking long and if this chapter was shit, i am trying to update as best as i can but it's honestly since im trying to move this book along to get where i want it to be , but it needs chapters like this + it's hard to think of things like these when i have things planned out for later chapters that i so desperately want to get to but don't have a clue how to build up to it, if that makes sense.

anyways, i am sorry with making you all wait and i will continue to try to update within a reasonable timespan. i appreciate your patience and i love you all that still read this and wait for me, even tho im a piece of shit 🤍🤍

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