𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 23 | not today

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"I'm not getting the surgery,"

"Are you drunk?"

Rhea's confused yet slightly annoyed eyes stood on Alex's as they sat right beside each other on the bed. They had remained there for quite some time now since Rhea managed to get Alex out of the bathroom to comfort her in the room.

Rhea had stood there to listen to every single detail Alex told her, letting her know what the doctor told her, as well as why she was so upset in the first place. Her eyes would intensively watch her cry and speak in frustration about it all, and Alex was beyond grateful that Rhea didn't interrupt her once.

It's been a very long while since Rhea had given off this comforting, gentle energy she had been for these past couple of hours.

Alex had gotten used to the very bothered, rude, and arrogant vibe Rhea consistently gave off, so to receive this new different energy from her, it was noticeable - too noticeable, to say the least, since she knew it was going to be temporary.

Again, Alex would say she didn't deserve this from her, though, regardless of what she is going through.

However, she was grateful Rhea was caring, even in the slightest, about her right now.

Though, Rhea's attitude was now present as she finally spoke up once Alex told her about not getting the surgery. It was dumb and illogical yet Alex knew exactly why she was saying it herself, which is why she was gathering the words to explain it to Rhea.

"You literally just told me that the doctor said it would be beneficial to you yet you're here telling me you're not going to do it. I'm not following," Rhea's attitude left when she started speaking, she had taken a breath before she did as that seemed to calm her down from responding with a rude tone.

Alex paused, taking in a breath of her own, "He said there was a chance of this not helping me at all, so why risk it?" She spoke, seeing Rhea's eyes narrowing as it was clear she was trying to understand where Alex was coming from, "I don't get why there is a risk, anyway. And it isn't one I'm willing to take,"

"So what? You're going to stay in pain for however long it lasts and allow this to potentially stop you from doing things in the future when you can fix it now?"

"But what if it doesn't?"

"But what if it does?"

Both of them stood looking at one another and their eyes staring right into each other's. Alex could feel her heart begin rapidly pacing out of her chest since Rhea didn't bother to break the eye contact like she usually did.

And the meaning her stare held, it showed how much she was actually giving a damn.

They were so close too, sitting right next to one another, and they were only at a mere distance with one another, which caused Alex to feel more tension against her heart.

"I get it. I get where the frustration and fear are coming from, but if this was any other injury and a doctor says to get surgery for this, you would get it in a heartbeat - -

"A doctor has never told me there would be a risk before," Alex told her and her interruption caused Rhea to huff in an annoyed manner.

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