𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 19 | not today

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"Move in with me,"

Alex's eyes laid upon Rhea's smile as she sat across from her whilst Rhea had her hands on hers on the table. She could see her beaming with excitement with the words she spoke, her expression full of exuberance and Alex couldn't deny the fact she felt the complete opposite than what Rhea was feeling.

Alex was leaving sometime soon, back to the United States, after she knew her time was over in Australia. She was happy here but she wanted to go back home, though she didn't know if she would come back to Australia at all.

She wanted to stay, only really for Rhea, but she knew she had more opportunities if she went back to the States or if she decided to go to Canada to train.

She hadn't told Rhea yet, she couldn't find a way to nor did she want to disappoint her with what she needed to do. She wanted to continue growing as a wrestler and she felt like she did as much growing as she could in Australia, so it was time to move on.

Though, the woman in front of her was her one and only reason for wanting to stay and possibly doing so.

But Alex had to tell her the plans she wanted to do, it was the right thing to do. She was just waiting for the right time to do so, even though Alex never thought it was the right time at any time.

Alex forced a small grin to make its way on her face, her eyebrows bending in an unsure way, and Rhea sucked her teeth with her own smile remaining on her face, "Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad of an idea."

Rhea must've seen her uncertainty and Alex didn't intend for her to as Alex then fixed her expression, laughing it over and forcing a more contented one.

"It isn't, but," Alex paused, taking in a breath, knowing this had to be the opportunity where she had to tell her.

This seemed like the perfect chance and she was about to pounce on the opportunity, though her hesitation caused Rhea to interrupt her, "But what?" She questioned, her smile only making Alex feel so bad since it was filled with so much happiness and excitement.

"You stay with me and we are with each other all the time. You practically already live in my apartment with me. It's just not official and I want to make it official."

Alex knew this was a bad idea, she knew she couldn't go through with this or give Rhea the slightest bit of hope because Alex needed to do much different.

However, seeing how happy she was and how she was beaming with joy saying this, Alex couldn't upset her.

It wasn't in her blood to do so.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?" Alex asked her in a way to make her contemplate what she wanted.

This was her way of letting her down slowly and very subtly without Rhea catching on. "I mean, what if we break up? Or what if something happens?"

She watched Rhea's smile leave and form into a straight line, "There's nothing more that I want than this." And she spoke with the most genuine and seriousness Alex had ever witnessed from her.

It almost scared her in fact since she swallowed down, harshly, hoping and praying it went unnoticed by Rhea.

She had to look away because Rhea's eyes were staring right into hers and she became afraid that Rhea would be able to mentally hear what Alex was thinking at the moment.

Though, Alex cleared her throat, looking back at her and allowing her lips to progressively form into a smile, only to see Rhea's lips doing the same, "Fine, I'll move in with you," And Rhea nearly jumped out of her seat in excitement where she ran around the table and placed a kiss upon Alex's cheek.

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