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Alex remembers everything about her and their past as she sat on a stage box, her eyes on the woman who was a huge distance away, the dim light succumbed the hallway whilst her thoughts did the same to her mind.

She could remember every little detail about her, her smile that always made her heart race, her eyes that stared right into hers whenever she was talking, everything was so good about her - - faultless, almost.

She didn't even have to look at her to remember everything about her, but there she was. She was staring right at her as a staff member was explaining to her about her match and the outcome of what had to happen.

Weeks had gone by after they had been reunited and they were scheduled for a match against each other for an NXT UK taping. It was as if it was a coincidence, but Alex was sure that it wasn't.

She managed to still have her eyes on her as he continued speaking, standing before her but with enough distance separating them. Rhea was playing with her wrists, not really paying any mind to her or to the staff member.

"You both got it, right? I know I was talking a lot, but I'm sure you two know each other so everything will run smoothly." He chuckled, almost nervously, and Rhea finally fixed her gaze on Alex but only for a mere second since she had looked at the staff member.

It was as if she were going to respond, but Alex has done so before her, "Yeah, we got it. We have quite the history, don't we, Rhea?"

And so they did.

Rhea's eyes remained on the other woman speaking, Alex's eyes challenging as her very own were as threatening as can be. Alex let out an amused chuckle, glancing over at the staff member who had brought them together after he was asked to by her as he had a confused look expressing across his face.

She watched Rhea give her an unimpressed look and breathe out in disgust, "Not that I'm aware of,"

Again, Alex had laughed, it was very subtle.

She shouldn't have been surprised or shocked by the answer she was given, especially when their past was still the clear vindication of the unbalanced strain within the air between the two women.

Her response still hadn't changed, even though there was no one around to listen to their conversation.

This was expected as well as Alex's own attitude, but Rhea's wasn't.

Giving the staff member a playful wink, Alex allowed a grin to grace her lips once she had finished laughing, "Give us a moment, if you don't mind," He nodded at being dismissed by her, her eyes diverting over to Rhea.

She had her arms crossed along her chest, she was definitely not willing to pay attention to the woman standing before her, she seemed very uninterested in what she had to say.

"You want to know what's funny? I thought you and I would never cross paths again, but here we are." Alex was still smiling and she saw as Rhea was staring her down, having an uncaring expression on her face.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms, "I wish we hadn't." Her sentence seemed to sound completely unbothered, though she was indeed bothered.

Her tone gave off that impression, but her body language and facial expressions gave away that she was unnerved by Alex's presence.

Alex again had let a laugh slip past her lips, she was finding this behavior a bit too humorous when she shouldn't be.

She opened her mouth to continue speaking but Rhea cut her off before she even got a word out, "Can you just shut up already? You talk too much."

That caused the smirk on Alex's face to grow as she covered her mouth to try to restrain herself from laughing again because that would only irritate Rhea even more than she appeared to be.

Rhea's eyes watched her making an effort to stop laughing, but Alex continued honestly just to be an asshole.

Rhea then let out an unamused chuckle of her own, shaking her head, "I can't wait to get in the ring already, so I can beat your ass and shut you up."

Alex still had the smirk on her face when she looked up to meet Rhea's eye contact again, "Oh, come on. You don't need to ruin the fun we are having by wanting to get all physical." It was clear that Rhea was disgusted with the challenging and teasing behavior Alex had.

Rhea's eyes narrowed and her eyebrows furrowed down in a confused, serious expression, "Fun? More like torture." She breathed out, her eyes going back to her shifting the bracelets on her wrists, as her reply made Alex scoff.

The woman before her was so mesmerizing, her eyes couldn't help but continue staring because even with this new gimmick, it made her an even better sight to look at.

Alex couldn't admit it, though. Not in the way she wanted to, however.

"You look good." She simply stated, causing the taller woman's eyes to shift up back to her.

Her eyes had a dark tint to them that made them slightly seductive, but it wasn't intentional for it to be seen that way. Only Alex would see it that way, she didn't have a choice.

Though, Rhea still had that attitude present as she continued, "You know, you look a lot better from the last time I saw you." Rhea's complete attention was on her, those eyes narrowing at the statement as she looked as if she was thinking about something.

She remained standing there for a second, it was a bit too long, but she did respond, "I don't recall ever meeting you."

Alex shook her head, running her hand through her brown hair, as she had a slight smile on her face, "I hope you do know that it's just us here talking. So, there's no need to act like we never met when you know we did." That was the truth and she didn't fully understand why Rhea was still lying as if they weren't alone.

Rhea let out a light laugh, it was unamused and not any different from her other laughs, "What you need to do is drop that topic, Alex. Because I have never met you nor would I have ever wanted to."

Her words were hurtful but Alex didn't take it as so since she raised her eyebrow in a daring manner, as if she was challenging her to continue.

Alex knew that if Rhea was going to be this much of an asshole, she was going to match her energy and not get hurt by the words that came out of her mouth.

However, before Alex could respond, a staff member came up to them and told them they were up in five.

Alex hadn't seen Rhea with a more cheerful smile as she hopped off the box and ran her hand through her hair, "It's about time." She responded to the staff member, he gave her a quick smile before rushing away to do something else.

Rhea began walking away before turning around, "By the way, Alex. You wouldn't mind if I accidentally broke your spine, would you?" She was walking backward with her arms up and a big smile on her face.

"Because I promise you, you're going to wake up in a lot of pain in the morning." She laughed before turning around and walking away further down the hallway.

Alex laughed for herself, shrugging her shoulders and sucking her teeth, "Break my spine." She breathed out in a nonchalant manner, saying this to herself, before beginning to follow way behind her.

"What's the worst she can do?"


discontinued? not anymore.

hey guys, it feels nice getting back to write and to get back into doing all of this again. i am trying to continue this book and hopefully i don't stop or get writer's block bc it'll prevent me from finishing this.

chapter is a bit small which i apologize for but bare with me, I'm trying to remember the storyline I had for this and it's coming back in bits and pieces.

i hope you havent given up on me bc I'm back and I'll be back for a while now so expect more updates and i promise I will no longer let any of you down.

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