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"We want you to be in the Mae Young Classic."

Alex kept hearing those words leave Hunter's mouth, which confirmed what Toni had told her. She had just gotten out of a meeting and she was beyond ecstatic with the news she received.

She was living the dream and all the hard work was paying off, however, she still had a lot more to work for.

"We also want you to be in the first NXT UK Women's Championship Tournament and as of now, we have you scheduled to win it," Hunter told her with a big smile on his face and Alex couldn't contain her excitement and astonishment toward the news.

Her lips were in a huge smile as well, "It'll give you a lot of star power and we want to see what you can do with a title around your waist after that incredible match with Ripley, recently." He continued to explain everything, it was as if she couldn't believe anything he was saying.

Alex began training as hard as she could after finding out everything. They had plenty of faith in her to succeed with the news she gave her and she most definitely did not want to let them down.

She had trained with Toni and told her the good news, "I'm so proud of you - - - I'm so proud of us. I can't believe we're both in the Mae Young Classic and you're going to be a champion." She then gave her an enormous hug that took her feet off the ground.

They both trained nonstop and almost every day as other women superstars would join them at times, as well.

Time had traveled fast and the first day of the Mae Young Classic had come, this was when she was told she would be advancing all the way to the quarter-finals against whoever made it there with her.

She fought through her tough matches, wrestling and performing remarkably, and she had the crowd on her side throughout the whole first day of taping, receiving a loud reaction once she stepped into the ring.

It was as planned and she defeated her opponents until the quarter-finals where a staff member had told her she would now be scheduled to lose to none other than Rhea Ripley.

It seemed as if the world wanted them to share moments together, even though, both women thought otherwise.

Alex didn't think that badly of it, however, based on Rhea's behavior, she definitely didn't have the best time being around Alex. They hadn't seen each other for a while, anyway.

The last time was actually their match for the NXT UK taping, which was about a month ago - - this was not including the times they have seen each other in Florida at the Performance Center on a few occasions.

Alex had seen Rhea further down the hallway, her full appearance coming into her view as she continued to get closer to her.

Her back was leaned up against the wall with her headphones on as she stared and used her phone, a stage box right before her and that's where Alex decided to jump onto and sit upon whilst staring at the woman in front of her.

Rhea looked up for a moment to see Alex with a slight grin on her face and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of her. Her face expressed nothing other than disgust and Alex found it humorous, she continued to find Rhea's reaction to her foolishness yet it wasn't funny at all.

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