𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 38 | not today

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Alex was dealing with a heavy emptiness that was affecting every part of her.

She knew why, but she was going to do her best not to show it, though.

A week and a half had gone by ever since that day Rhea's stuff was no longer in her apartment, and Alex wasn't going to admit how hard it was adjusting back to living by herself.

She was so used to having Rhea around that now since her presence wasn't around, it has affected her deeply.

She had tried reaching out to her a few times. She texted and called her on multiple occasions, but all of her attempts were answered by silence. She didn't know what else to do, so for the meantime, she had stopped trying.

Though, she did go out with Tegan and Toni a couple of times since then, and she had tried to forget about the never-ending thoughts in her head regarding it all.

It was what it was, at this certain point.

Though, nothing in the world could distract her away from feeling so damn much, especially whenever she stepped back into her apartment.

She hated being in her apartment. She hated it already since she was locked up in there due to her injury, but now because there was so much more to deal with, she completely despised it.

So, that's when she would call Toni or Tegan to hang out.

She didn't tell either of them that Rhea practically moved out without saying a word about it.

She didn't want them snooping around to find out why and she definitely didn't want them to make assumptions and piece things together.

The last thing she wanted was to be interrogated because she knew if they did actually piece the correct things together, ask her all of the right questions, and make the exact assumptions they needed to, she was going to fold and tell them everything - and that was exactly what she didn't want to do.

Anyway, for the most part, all she did end up hearing was how Tegan and Dakota were still not speaking to one another and Toni was still confused as to why and what occurred for that to happen.

Tegan did shed some light to it, but Toni wanted to know it all - as if it wasn't obvious enough about what happened between them - and since she didn't, she acted like she knew nothing to get more information, but that never worked.

So, she was left in the dark.

Toni eventually stopped asking and even though the three of them hung out with each other, it still felt like there were empty spaces there that needed to be filled by the two people missing.

Though, there were too many current complications going on for that to happen.

"I did set us up for that double date we spoke about a while ago, Alex," Toni came out of nowhere to say as all three of them sat in her car while she drove to Alex's apartment to drop her off.

They were out having dinner with each other to talk and to hang out, and Alex was dreading going home the whole time she was with them that she didn't even get to enjoy the stupid jokes they were making the whole time there.

"Double date? She agreed to go on a double date with you?" Tegan seemed to forget about it, but Alex didn't.

She remembered that conversation very clearly and she didn't think it would actually happen, since she knew Toni was full of shit half of the time, but it looked like it did hold some weight.

"Yeah, remember we spoke about this some time ago. You were there, Tegan. We were all in Alex's room, just talking, that then, Rhea ran out because she became a jealous mess," Toni spoke, mentioning her name and Alex felt her heart sting a bit at the sound of it.

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