𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 26 | not today

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Days seemed to pass and time continued to go on.

Only a week had gone by and Alex was obviously still bedridden. She has made improvements here and there as she was able to get up on her own now and walk around the apartment more with her crutches. However, Rhea was there to help her with absolutely everything.

Even though Rhea spent most of the day in the living room or outside, whenever Alex needed help, she was there without any doubt or delay.

After she had left the room after Toni and Dakota's teasing, things took a shift - - maybe not a big one but a noticeable one.

Rhea was more hesitant about what she started to say and although she had continually been nice to Alex behind closed doors, her tone was soft and worn out.

Alex witnessed the tiredness and sensitivity Rhea had every time she would see her, but she wouldn't question it just because she didn't want to bother her.

There was something going on with Rhea but she was nobody to ask her, even though she so desperately wanted to.

Rhea would go to the gym often and the NXT shows until she had to go back to the UK to film shows for NXT UK as she was scheduled to lose the title to Toni. She held it for a while and it seemed fitting for her to finally lose it, especially to someone as amazing as Toni.

However, Rhea's reign was impeccably impressive.

But, Alex hated when she was gone. The apartment started to feel empty without Rhea's presence and with the way she had gotten used to her being in the apartment in the slightest, it was a bit overwhelming.

But she has told herself this before and she was going to do her best to not feel like that, because Alex meant nothing to Rhea so she didn't want her absence to mean anything either.

Though, it's been some time since Rhea had gone away. She didn't say when she was coming back but she and Alex exchanged texts where she continued to ask about how she was feeling and if she was doing anything she wasn't supposed to be doing.

It wasn't until Alex stood up one night where she couldn't sleep for some odd reason. Usually, her medication would put her right to bed but this time, it didn't and she found herself up and awake, watching the show that was on and occasionally observing things on her phone.

She must've been really into the show she was watching because she didn't hear her room door open until she had seen it open completely. She panicked a bit until she saw that familiar face she undoubtedly missed.

Those light eyes of hers were full of exhaustion and her appearance showed that as well, as she stood against the doorframe before dropping her bags onto the floor.

Alex immediately sat up, her eyes staying right directly on the set of eyes staring back into hers, "Hey," She watched Rhea rub her eyes, her eyes squinted at the bright light of the room before her.

Alex could see she was doing so since her eyes were adjusting to the light, "What are you doing up? It's three o'clock in the morning," Rhea started off with, her hand placing itself on her shoulder before she began stretching it where she let out a quiet groan.

It was a weird yet funny question to ask since she was clearly up as well. Alex let out a small laugh to herself, seeing her tiredly hazy state, as she raised her eyebrow in question, "Waiting for you obviously," She decided to play around with her and Rhea sucked her teeth at her response, her eyebrows scrunching downward since her eyes were still narrowed.

"You just came in?" Alex asked since she didn't know for sure, but once she saw Rhea nod in response, her question was answered.

Rhea stood there, though Alex watched her begin stretching as if her back and her shoulder were sore.

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