𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 32 | not today

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Alex didn't stop thinking about Rhea.

She couldn't.

She was still at the party and even though the music was overwhelming, her thoughts were still loud enough for her to hear clearly. Much time had passed, however, her mind was wrapped around what occurred earlier.

She kept texting Rhea to see if she would get a response and she didn't at all. She had sent multiple texts, worrying about her and her whereabouts since she hadn't returned. She wasn't really expecting her to, but she was hoping she did.

She did remain at the party as long as she could before her worrying became a bit too overbearing for her to deal with, so she decided it was time for her to go find Rhea.

Now, this wasn't exactly the best idea since she was planning on leaving on her own and plus, she was moving on one leg with her crutches to help her.

Though, she was determined to do it, nonetheless.

So, she walked over to Toni, who was still having a good time, and the last thing Alex wanted to do was bother her and ruin the mood she was in. However, she had to let her know where she was going because if not, Toni would end up searching for her.

Alex gently grabbed Toni's arm, gaining her attention after pulling her in a bit, "I'm going to look for Rhea, okay? She's been gone for too long and I'm worried she's doing something stupid,"

Toni pulled away a bit to give Alex a confused, uncertain look of her own, her eyebrows furrowing before she moved back in, "Are you sure? She probably just went to the hotel," She questioned, giving her a small glance as she did.

"Yeah, I know. That's where I was going to check,"

She sent Alex a look right after she responded, her eyes narrowing a bit, "And how do you plan on getting there?" Toni's endless amount of questions continued; she wanted to know exactly every detail of what Alex was planning on doing and why she wanted to in the first place.

"She's going to take whatever she's feeling out on you. Do you really want to deal with that?" Toni warned her multiple times throughout their conversation because she was exactly right.

Alex knew Rhea was going to, but that didn't change the fact she wanted to still go out and search for her. She could deal with whatever Rhea was going to dish out, anyway.

"I know but still, I want to make sure she's okay." Alex was adamant about that and Toni let out a sigh, nodding in understanding before she finally stopped asking any more questions.

"Okay. Just be careful and text me once you've found her," Toni's last words were to her before Alex gave her a quick hug, walking over to Tegan and Dakota afterward to give them one as well.

She quickly said her goodbyes and left the venue (surely since even though she was trying to rush, her crutches weren't going to let her). She called a cab and waited for it, only for it to show up a couple of minutes later.

It was then Alex went in and the cab swiftly began taking her to the hotel.

Alex continued taking her phone out, persistently looking at it to see if Rhea had texted back, and still, she hadn't received any response.

She couldn't escape the feeling of simply wanting to know about Rhea's well-being. For some reason, she felt a bit guilty about what happened in the first place because maybe, it could've all been prevented or Alex could've denied it alongside Rhea.

However, in Alex's mind, she didn't feel like it was right for her to. She just thought staying quiet would make the situation come out with a better result, though it didn't.

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