𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 6 | not today

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Days continued to go by and of course, Alex was as unproductive as she can possibly be. She didn't have a choice, really.

She would get up and walk around on her crutches sometimes but it wasn't anything major. It was usually her walking around the apartment or her walking with Toni down the street so she can get used to the crutches.

However, about a couple of weeks passed and Alex returned to her doctor, in which they removed the stitches and she now had to wear a walking boot.

She still had to use the crutches as that supported her weight and her ability to walk around. She had gotten used to walking with them and it got easier and more comfortable as she continued to use them.

Though, she was due to begin rehabilitation for her Achilles. Not anything major, of course, but she needed to start moving it around so it can become mobile again and hopefully, go back to what it used to be.

She sat in the medical bed where the physical therapists were within the Performance Center, her head laying back against the top part with her hands on her forehead and her eyes closed since she was a bit anxious as it was her first day of rehab.

She didn't know how this was going to go or if it was going to hurt so badly, she only just wished she never had gotten injured in the first place.

She had never dealt with this before since she never sustained a serious injury like this.

She has had sprained ankles, bruises everywhere, and deep cuts that would bleed nonstop, yet she never injured something so severely that she needed physical therapy or that she needed to be away from wrestling for a substantial amount of time.

She doesn't even know how long she's going to be out for yet, she only knows it's going to be for a long time.

She was going to hate physical therapy, she knew in her gut that she would.

"Oh, so you're the other one who got injured at the Mae Young Classic." A woman's voice broke through her thoughts and made her eyes open to meet light ones.

She was on crutches herself, a light smile on her face as she had a brace on her knee. She looked cheerful as Alex looked the complete opposite.

Though, Alex saw there was a woman helping her as well and she gave her a smile as well. Alex knew who both women were.

"And you look scared out of your mind." She added to her sentence, a laugh leaving passed her lips as she spoke, which Alex chuckled, nervously.

She sat up to see the woman walking over to the other medical bed as she was helped with that by the other woman.

She made it look easy getting upon the bed, even though it was slow, she did it pretty effortlessly and she didn't look as if she were in any pain as she did so whilst Alex had a hard time climbing up on her own until someone saw her struggling and did help her.

It was as if this woman went through it before but Alex couldn't tell.

However, she knew her since she was the other woman that got injured before her that night, "I'm Tegan. I don't think we were properly introduced." She stuck her hand out toward Alex with still a grin on her lips.

Alex took her hand within her own, shaking it, "And I'm guessing you're Alex, right? Correct me if I'm wrong."

Alex nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm Alex." She let go of Tegan's hand, looking over at the other woman and Alex knew her.

She was one of the many women Toni had introduced to her when she first got to NXT UK. "It's nice to see you again, Dakota." Alex looked at her with a smile of her own as Dakota returned the action.

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