𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 11 | not today

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That's how it started off as Alex's eyes were on Rhea, who was standing in the door frame with her arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face.

Alex had her eyebrow raised in confusion to see her there as it was the first time she had seen her since Evolution, which was almost a week or two ago.

Seeing her didn't exactly upset her because she was such a sight for Alex's eyes but her stupid, insensitive comments about her leg wouldn't leave her mind whenever Rhea became a thought.

The comments weren't that impactful on Alex's mind, but that didn't mean they didn't irritate her when they came to thought.

Alex watched her stand there after her one-word statement and there was a slight pause before Alex had seen Rhea's shoulder being hit by the person behind her, causing her to say ow.

That's when Toni slipped through the door past Rhea's frame as Toni whispered something to her that Alex didn't fully hear, but it did cause Rhea to continue with her eyes straight on Alex.

"I am so sorry for being super duper rude at Evolution. I didn't mean for it to hurt your feelings and it won't happen ever again." Rhea had articulated every single word in those statements, she sounded too robotic and that made Alex let out a small laugh.

"Damn it, Rhea, why do you have to be an ass for everything?" Toni stated, shaking her head and Rhea had raised her arms in a confused gesture, as well as her eyebrows scrunching and her eyes narrowing in befuddlement.

It was clear Toni had told Rhea to apologize, probably word for word exactly as she did. Toni should've known better and knew that Rhea was going to do it her way, just because she didn't feel the need to.

Alex was laughing, humored by Toni's response to her, "Because I don't like her, Toni. I think I've made that very clear." Rhea then crossed her arms against her chest and she leaned against the doorframe, her hand taking off the cap she was wearing to fix her hair beneath it.

As she did that, her eyes looked directly at Alex, who was clearly in awe of the simple action just because she was so effortlessly beautiful while she did it.

It was getting harder and harder to hide the attraction Alex had for Rhea, even if she was a complete asshole to her.

Although she wanted it to be different (even though, she didn't deserve it to be), it was nice seeing her whenever she did and she wouldn't waste time admiring her presence whenever she was around.

Rhea seemed to notice Alex's eyes were right on her, causing her to give a look of distaste, "She doesn't like me because she loves me. I'm her favorite person." Alex tilted her head and gave her a smile in return, her statement making her huff and shake her head as she was ready to argue back but Toni cut her off by shushing her.

"Well, I don't really care if either of you don't like each other. You must start to." Toni's response caused Rhea to let out a breath again and she shrugged her shoulders as Alex began to fix herself on the bed to be more comfortable.

"I don't need to start anything, actually. I don't like her and it'll stay that way."

Rhea's eyes were right on Alex's and she had stared directly back, challenging her stare, which caused Alex's lips to form into a playful smirk and Rhea simply rolled her eyes in response.

"Just do me a favor. You both, sadly, are my two best friends and I'm not going to deal with one or both of you being disrespectful toward one another." Both women turned to Toni as she spoke as she continued, "I'm here for the playful arguing but the serious, inconsiderate comments won't continue to happen. So, you two better be on your best behavior when we all hang out."

Alex simply listened to her whilst Rhea sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes after she had finished, "You sound like my mother." An amused, muffled laugh slipped passed Alex's lips, and that caused Rhea to laugh along as well, which caused Toni to put her hands on her hips whilst she shook her head at them.

"And you two act like children." Toni watched the two women laugh with each other as she shook her head at them actually doing something together, even if it was something as simple as laughing.

"Anyways, like I said, be on your best behavior whenever we hang out and be nicer to each other, that's all I want." Toni had then walked away to go handle her own business and fix her stuff on her side of the apartment.

"Yeah, just tell Alex not to speak to me and we'll be cool." Rhea had shouted for Toni to hear and as she said that, her eyes were looking at Alex with that same playful smirk she had before and that made her raise her eyebrow with a grin of her own.

"You know you wouldn't like it if I stopped talking to you," Alex responded and Rhea walked over to the chair she sat in the last time she was there.

"Yeah? Try it and let's see," Rhea took off her jacket as she disputed with her and this was where they continued arguing with one another at the expense of Toni's patience with them for the rest of the time they were there.

In Alex's mind, things maybe would get better from here on and out or maybe, that was just her being hopeful for what she wanted.


thank you for those who have stuck around to continue reading this, even though, i have an inability to update in a reasonable time span. 🤍

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