𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 20 | not today

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"Got anything to do today?"

Rhea stood there leaning against the doorframe, her hat on backwards and that signaled Alex that she was most definitely going to the gym. She watched her cross her arms, her eyes watching the other woman fixing herself on the bed.

Two days passed since Tegan and the rest of them were there and Alex was doing as she always did: sitting in her bed, watching TV. It felt never-ending almost but Alex tried to remain optimistic when it came to thinking of the future.

Her leg's condition didn't improve, the pain had gotten worse and worse, and it continued to deteriorate her mental state as it did her physical, but still, Alex did her best to see a bright future ahead of her.

It'll get much harder before it gets easier, she would tell herself whenever she felt terrible.

Alex narrowed her eyes, looking around in sort of a questioning and mocking way since it was a pretty dumb question considering Alex never really did anything because of the boot she had to wear. Not only that, she was sitting in her room watching TV and looking like a complete mess.

"I mean," She paused, purposely, as she continued to look around before she laid her eyes on Rhea, "Does it look like it?"

Her smartass question caused Rhea to shake her head whilst she let out an unamused breath, her lips forming into a smile filled with that same displeasure, "How is it that any time I actually want to be nice to you, you act like an asshole?"

Alex took a deep breath in and her stare remained on the other woman as she let her shoulders fall whilst she exhaled, "Well, maybe since you choose to be nice whenever no one is around." Alex spoke with her grin, which caused Rhea to let out a breath of her own as she nodded, her eyes looking toward the ground.

Then, her eyes met back up with Alex's, "Anyway, I'm trying to go to the gym and I don't have a spotter, so I was wondering if you. . ." She intentionally trailed off for Alex to fill in the lines herself.

Alex curved her lips into a smirk, one Rhea knew too well as she immediately was about to speak up about it but Alex spoke before her, "A gym date? Wow, it's been a while since you've asked me out to one of those,"

A defeated yet annoyed sigh escaped Rhea's lips, "Alright, I'm not dealing with your shit. Do you want to or not?"

Alex sat there, taking a while to ponder it while tapping her chin with her finger as she did it purposely to annoy Rhea.

And once Rhea narrowed her eyes and huffed, Alex knew she succeeded when she then shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if it's a good idea,"

Rhea didn't seem to expect that answer since her eyes widened a bit and her eyebrow arched in question, "How come?" Her question made Alex take a deep breath in return, dropping her shoulders as she did.

"Because maybe, I'll just decide to drop the weight on you in revenge for how you've treated me," Alex joked as if it was a genuine and good idea, her lips not failing in curving into a mischievous smile afterward.

Rhea tried her best to fight away the smile that was forming on her face, where it managed to place itself there as she shook her head and pointed at Alex, "Ha, good one, Alex," She was clearly being sarcastic yet the smile on her face showed how humored she was, "I'm going to take your idiotic joke as a yes, so I'll be waiting for you in the car,"

She proceeded in turning around and was about to walk out, "Wait," Alex called for her, hearing her loudly huff in response, but this time, this wasn't Alex choosing to bother her, "I need help getting up." And she genuinely did.

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