𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 27 | not today

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"I'm about to take a picture of this because neither of you want to wake up,"

Alex heard a voice protrude from her deep sleep, her eyes blinking in a profuse manner as the bright light of the sun came through the curtains.

She was comfortable - - too comfortable, but she allowed the voice to break through her sleep and wake her up completely. The voice was too familiar for her to ignore, which caused her to look toward it.

Her eyes met with Toni's, who was obviously entertained with what she was seeing, and that caused Alex to take a look for herself.

She had felt the weight and seen Rhea's arm wrapped around her, as well as her body practically on top of her own. Her head was laid upon Alex's chest and Alex just knew this was an incriminating sight to see, especially with how humored Toni looked as she kept her attention on them.

Alex could feel the embarrassment set in, because this is probably the last thing she wanted to be caught in, "Toni. . .this isn't what it looks like," She held her hands up in defense and Toni instantly shook her head, humored by her words as she crossed her arms.

"I'm sure it isn't," Toni's sarcasm caused Alex to let out a sigh, running her hands down her face in a stressed manner.

"Let's talk about this in the living room because I don't want to wake her," Alex ended up saying, seeing Toni's teasing grin on her lips and she knew she was never going to hear the end of this one.

It took some time, but she had gotten out of Rhea's grip without waking her up because Alex could only imagine how she would've reacted knowing Toni saw them as they were. She would've treated Alex like shit for who knows however long and she definitely did not want that.

Toni helped her with her crutches and with walking out of the room as they tried to make as little of a sound as possible. That was until they closed the room door and Alex could see Toni's risen eyebrow.

She knew exactly what was coming, "So," Toni started, "It makes sense why Rhea got so jealous the other day. Now, I know why."

Toni went on rambling and Alex made her way to sit on the couch, rolling her eyes in the process, "You two have something going on? Because with the way she was laying on top of you -

"Can you not make assumptions like that?" Alex had interrupted her, placing the crutches on the floor and looking over toward her.

Toni was the one now to raise her hands in defense, her knowing grin still upon her lips, "All I'm saying is, you have never cuddled with me like that in a bed, so I know something's going on," Not that it was a good point, but in some way, she was right.

Toni is the only person Alex would feel comfortable doing that with, so for her to see her doing it with Rhea, it does call for speculation.

Alex sighed, running her hand through her hair, "No, nothing's going on," That was the truth because nothing was going on, but at the same time, there was. It was all confusing, but it made sense to Alex.

"She was going through something and she needed to talk, so we did and I ended up hugging her, and I guess we fell asleep like that," Her explanation sounded so dumb as she looked at Toni after she finished, seeing Toni with a knowing, smug smirk upon her lips.

Alex just knew her bullshit was going to get her nowhere, "Okay, so that woman, who claims she hates everything about you, decided to talk, lay down in bed with you, and end up like that?" Toni's tone hinted at her sarcasm and it was too clear.

However, to be an asshole, Alex nodded with a forced, tight-lipped grin upon her lips and that made Toni let out an amused breath, "Yeah, okay. In another universe, maybe, but not in this one,"

Alex shrugged her shoulders, "It's the truth, Toni. You don't have to believe me,"

"Yeah, I don't because it's complete bullshit," Toni responded.

She was so right, but Alex had to keep up the lie because there was no way she could tell her the truth. Whatever happened last night, it had meaning and what she also wasn't going to do was spread Rhea's business.

Again, Alex didn't hesitate to shrug her shoulders, "That's not my problem," She spoke, "But all I ask for you is to not let Rhea find out about this - -

"Obviously," Toni had interrupted her and she looked at Alex as if she was dumb, "Rhea would kill you and probably kill me for witnessing it."

"Exactly, so let's keep this between you and I," It was more like a demand Alex laid out instead of asking for it nicely because Toni could easily decide to be an asshole and tease her and Rhea about it for the rest of their lives, so she should've been more courteous about this.

But it seemed like Toni understood it, her head nodded, nonsensically, "Sure. It looks like I have no choice,"

Alex let out an internal breath of relief because she could only imagine if she wanted to argue about this, "But if you ever decide to act stupid with me, I'll bring it up without hesitating," Toni had her finger pointed at her when she spoke.

Her threat forced Alex to conceal the laugh she wanted to let out, because Toni trying to be threatening had to be the funniest thing ever.

"Are you - are you blackmailing me?" Alex asked, doing everything she could not to smile, and it almost made Toni crack since Alex could see her trying her hardest not to smile herself.

"No." Toni paused and then her smile made its way onto her face, "Well, maybe. It doesn't matter."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You actually need to go, though," Alex spoke through her laughs, fixing herself to be more comfortable on the couch.

"You're kicking me out?" Toni had become a bit offended but it was in a light-hearted manner, "First, I catch you cuddling up with Rhea, and now, you're telling me to go? Wow." She pretended to be more offended than she actually was and Alex couldn't stand her.

She shook her head in amusement, "Yes, only because Rhea is going to wake up at any moment and if she sees you here, she's going to know you'll assume something,"

Toni's humored expression changed into a confused one, "How?"

"Because she'll be coming out of my room when everyone knows she sleeps on the couch,"

Toni hummed, understanding and getting the point now, her offended nature disappearing after Alex's explanation, "Okay, but you could've told me to leave in a better manner. You were pretty much an asshole," She began walking to the door, slowly as Alex chuckled under her breath.

"I'm not kicking you out, really." Alex decided to be an ass once more, just for the fun of it, "I'm asking you to step out for a bit and then once she wakes up, I'll text you to come back."

"Definitely don't text me," Toni gave her the finger before saying that, "I'll come back when I want to. I'll see you later," Toni then left without saying another word and Alex couldn't help but be amused at their conversation.

Because she could only wonder: what if Rhea knew someone caught them in the position they were in? Alex could only thank the heavens it was a wonder because if it was a reality, it wouldn't be a pretty one.


apologies for taking so long. i will do my best to update at a more consistent rate, but i appreciate everyone's patience and love you all.

sorry for the mistakes if any and thank you for all of your unconditional support!

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