𝓒 ᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ 9 | not today

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Alex laid in her bed, her eyes on the TV as she watched the show going on. It was probably the most boring show ever but there was nothing else she could do about it. However, good news was she was continuing to improve.

Her leg was getting stronger and stronger every day that had gone by and she was feeling more better about herself as time progressed. Tegan and Toni were her main supporters as Tegan pushed her through physical therapy and Toni would help her do some stretches at home.

Rhea would be around at times, especially when Toni was helping Alex at the apartment, but all she would do is watch.

Alex had caught her a handful of times staring at her with a smirk on her while she doing those stretches. However, it would disappear once Alex laid her eyes upon it.

Though, their eyes would meet and Alex couldn't simply get out of her head that Rhea had a boyfriend.

Her mind had been stuck on that since she heard about it as she would've never thought she would have a boyfriend. It was too much to think about since it overwhelmed Alex because she hated thinking someone was with Rhea, but she knew she had to expect that and not care so much about it.

Yet she did - - a little bit too much at that.

Toni wasn't there to keep her company tonight since she was out doing something Alex didn't know the full details of, not that she was concerned with it anyway.

However, she was bored out of her mind and when she got like this, she would go to sleep. Even though it was early, it would get rid of the boredom she was suffering with.

So, she fixed herself in the bed, rolling over to her side to adjust the pillow before her attention was caught by the sound of the front door being unlocked.

It was weird since Toni wasn't supposed to get back this early but maybe, she forgot something. She always seemed to and it wouldn't have surprised Alex, so she continued adjusting herself as she heard the front door open and close.

She was about to lie down right when her room door opened, in which her eyes look straight at it to see the tall figure appearing behind it. Alex shook her head with a smile as the woman let out an annoyed breath at the sight of her on the bed.

Alex was pretty happy she had someone to annoy but then it hit her, because what was Rhea doing here in the first place? She must've been forced.

Alex opened her mouth to speak with her lips in that mocking smirk but Rhea had raised her finger and shook it, "Don't even start." This, of course, made Alex shake her head while a laugh subconsciously left her lips.

Bothering Rhea was such a fun thing to do, just because of how irritated she would get.

Alex shrugged her shoulders and watched her look around the room, "Well, that's a nice way of saying hello." She had a small laugh leave her lips as she spoke, her eyes on the woman walking over to the other side of the room where she took off her jacket.

She placed it on the chair that stood in front of her before she sat down.

Alex's eyes watched her every movement as Rhea looked over at the TV before looking back at her. Alex was curious as to why she was here and her expression seemed to show that since Rhea spoke, "I'm only here because Toni forced me to. I owed her a favor."

Alex's lips seemed to curve at the thought of her response, "So you decided that watching me was your way of repaying her?" She spoke in a teasing tone, causing Rhea to cross her arms and suck her teeth.

She ran her hand through her hair and shook her head, and Alex didn't exactly know how to feel after watching her do that.

There was an immediate rush to her heart that caused her stomach to feel weird, though she had to ignore it.

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