4| Are You Really That Desperate?

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"Prinnnnccceeeessss!!!" Omar smiles at me dragging out the name

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"Prinnnnccceeeessss!!!" Omar smiles at me dragging out the name. Hartley runs in front of him over to me. Her hair again is in Dutch braids. Small purple flowers are placed through the twists of her red hair.

"Enver,"  She stops in front of me, twirling one of her braids around her finger. "Look at my hair, isn't it pretty?"

"It's beautiful," I let a soft smile play on my lips. "Where did you get the flowers?"

She points to Omar as he sits down next to me, "he helped me pick them." Omar winks at me and I smile and roll my eyes, playfully. He is so aggravating, yet admirable.

I scoot closer to him, "We never got a chance to formally introduce ourselves," he grins.

"I think that might be your fault."

"Haha, on the contrair, my dear Princess," he chuckles, obnoxiously. I lightly punch his arm and smirk. We chatted about our lives before this, and for a moment, I felt that everything would be alright.

"How long have you been here?" I ask randomly.

"I..." he bites his lip. "I actually don't really know. Cash, Jayla, and Deck were the only ones here when I first arrived. After a while I stopped keeping track of the days."

"Who came in next?"

"The kids came next at the same time, I think they lived next to each other before." No wonder why they're so close. "Taylee arrived next but after that no one came in for months so we thought that was it, but about two weeks ago Trinity showed. It shocked us all and now we have the honor of having you here Princess."

I laugh, "You need to stop calling me that, it's annoying."

"Aww does someone not like being called a Princess?" He teases. "What? Are you too old for that stuff?"

"No, just too smart," I snicker, "Unfortunately, not all of us can have my wits," I jab him with my elbow.

Cash chuckles, who had been tuned in on our conversation. Omar and I had a good laugh, but my smile faded as I brushed my fingers over the band once more. Omar put his hand on mine and gave me a sympathetic half-smile.


I pushed the cold steel door open, to find a large shower with a thin curtain hung in front, a toilet, and a sink with a cheap mirror above it. The ceiling was taller than the other rooms. It made me feel so small, like a little bug, constantly avoiding being squished. I looked at myself in the mirror.

God, I look awful. Mascara left grey shadows around my eyes, and my lips were dry and cracked. My eyes were still a bit red from all of the crying. I can see now why they were scared of me.

I splash my face with water, refreshing my senses and washing away the weak girl, and showing the strong woman within.

I will get out. We all will.

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