41| Please Don't Shut Me Out

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Cash hasn't given me more than two glances since I've been back from my encounter with Atherton

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Cash hasn't given me more than two glances since I've been back from my encounter with Atherton. He scanned over my appearance when I first staggered in, a frown crept onto his face but he never uttered a word to me. My head pounded and my body ached, so I didn't attempt to talk to him either.

I was tired enough that I didn't care that I probably looked like I got mauled by a bear. Omar did nothing more than smirk at me, questioning what it really was I was doing in Holloway's office. His look confirmed I really do look that way. I was too exhausted to talk with anyone, or to get after him for that comment.

As much as I want to sleep, I know that I need a shower before I do anything. But I find myself frozen in front of the mirror, scowling at my reflection, the shower running even though I know my water usage is ticking away.

I don't like what I see, I don't like how I've changed. But it's not just me, I hate knowing that we've all had to grow up faster than we should've. We shouldn't have to worry about dying. The kids shouldn't have to go through the trauma of this place, they shouldn't have to worry about anything, they're kids...

Cash should be watching his son grow up, not being stuck knowing he's never going to meet him. What makes my heart ache more is that they've given up on trying to get that life back. They're afraid to try. And now I'll risk anything to get these guys out. I've already let down Decklin and Taylee, I'm not about to let down anyone else.

Though before any of that can happen, I have to find out more about Mom. What happened to all of them, why did Atherton find our parents a threat, and how did they even find them in the first place? I'm getting close to those answers, which means I'm getting closer to figuring out how to escape.

I just need a little more time.

"Aye Princess, you doing okay?" Omar's unnecessary pounds on the door startle me back to reality. "You've been in there for a while."

"Yeah, I'm fine," my eyes shift up to the clock on the wall. 9:52, lights will be going out any minute, the shower has already turned off. I quickly grab a clean jumpsuit and change.  "You guys go to bed; I'll be there in a second."

"Well hurry up would ya?" I roll my eyes at his irritated tone. More knocks. "Other people need to use the bathroom too, you know. I'd rather not be there in the dark."

I throw the door open, surprised to see Omar standing closer than the normal person would. "Can't you be patient for once in your life?"

"Like you would know anything about being patient," He pushes past me into the bathroom. "Now scram child, it's past your bedtime."

I roll my eyes at him and shuffle to my bed. The springs squeak under my weight as I tuck under my thin fleece blanket. My head sinks into the lumpy pillow. This place is miserable. And just when I think it can't possibly get any worse, it does.

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