11| I Couldn't Save Her but I Can Save You

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After another round of sighs, we stand up and make our way to the recreation room

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After another round of sighs, we stand up and make our way to the recreation room. I take a seat next to Omar, and Decklin sits across from me, next to Taylee and Quinn.

"Miss me, Princess?" Omar smiles. "Just couldn't resist being away from me, could ya?"

I roll my eyes at his teasing as if nothing's wrong, everything is fine. "You wish," he winks at me and his smile grows. "You are very childish."

"Hey it's okay, you don't need to hide the truth Princess," he leans back on the couch. "I know I'm amazing to be around."

"I swear if you call me that one more time I'm going to push you out the window."

"Jokes on you, the windows here are bulletproof." He lets out a laugh, "so there's no way you could push me out the window, you're not that strong." I roll my eyes again and stick out my tongue at him. "Oh, who's the childish one now?" I smile and shove him with my shoulder. "You're only mad because you know I'm right," he smirks.

"As much fun as this was, nature calls."

"Then I bid you adieu, Princess," Omar said in the worst British accent I've ever heard.

I open the bathroom door slowly. A voice catches me off guard, and I kick myself for forgetting to knock. Though, right before I close the door I hear my name.

I listen closely to realize it's Jayla inside. I slip in to keep suspicions low and hear better. The voices are coming from the farthest stall.

"Why are we supposed to hate her again?" A frail voice inquires. I can only assume it belongs to Taylee.

"Ugh because she's trying to steal Deck! She's only been here for less than a month and he's already after her!" I roll my eyes so hard I thought they might just pop out of their sockets.

God, I thought middle school was over.

"What did Holloway say then?"

"He showed me a video of them."

"But why?"

"I don't know dummy! I didn't ask or care. All I know is if I get her in trouble enough she won't be a problem anymore."

"Oh my gosh, Jayla that-"

"Did I ask for your opinion?!" Jayla snaps. I just stand there, mouth gaping like a trout, heart pounding faster than ever before, and fists clenched in anger. I hear the click of the lock on the stall and bolted out of the bathroom through the other door.

I try to gather my thoughts. I can't tell Omar, he'll overreact, get thrown in the room. I can't tell Decklin, he's too close to the situation. I couldn't bother Cash, he's too busy with the box. I feel alone and scared. If she wants to get me in trouble, I just need to control my temper and be careful around her, and Taylee. I plop down on the bed closest to me. I untwist my braids, which seems to calm my nerves.

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