19| Have You Been at the Pub Tonight?

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The first thing that catches my eye is the paved road, but then I see the green painted wood sign

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The first thing that catches my eye is the paved road, but then I see the green painted wood sign. 'Welcome, to Riverton!' My eyes widen and I look at the others who all have smiles on their faces.

I can't believe we found a town this quickly. I thought it would least take us another day. I look at the sign again, I don't recognize the name but it works.

Someone grabs my hand and drags me down the side of the road towards the town. I look up at Omar as he skips happily like a child.

It's smaller than your average town, Cash suggests we go to the police station first so that's what we're out to look for. I pick up Hartley again as people give us strange looks making me uncomfortable, she soon falls asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I don't blame people for looking weirdly at us, we probably look homeless.

"There," Decklin nudges my shoulder with his and I look at where he's pointing.

Inside, the cool air is refreshing and the smell of lavender fills my nose. We sit the kids down on the bench when we first walk in and I hand a sleeping Hartley over to Trinity.

I'm exhausted and all I want to do is sit down, but this needs to be done first. The three boys and I walk up to the front desk, a short brown hair lady sits there and she looks to be in her mid forties.

I clear my throat and the lady lifts her chin up in acknowledgment but only continues to type on the computer. "How can I help you?" She mutters quietly.

I look at the boys before speaking, "We would like to report a kidnapping."

She nods and pulls out a paper, "when was the last time the person was seen?"

"I-it was us actually," I stutter and begin to play with my sleeve. "That got kidnapped." I look up at Cash for help, I'm not good with talking.

The lady looks at us for the first time and raises an eyebrow, "all of you were kidnapped?" The four of us nod and she just stares at us before bursting into laughter. "Oh my, Jim come hear this," she calls out. "We have a bunch of adults claiming they've been kidnapped."

"This is serious," I grit.

"Have you been to the pub tonight?" She tilts her head but doesn't wait for a response. "I suggest you leave. You can seriously get in trouble for filing a fake report."

I feel my heart drop down to the pit of my stomach.

"I'm not lying! We need your help!" My blood boils and anger festers up inside me. Cash puts his hand on my shoulder, willing me to back off, but my irate shouting blocks him out.

"You need to leave, now!" The stout woman is now standing and she shifts her hand to the gun on her hip. I turn to Omar and demand he take everyone outside. Decklin stands still, refusing to leave my side.

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