10| He Wasn't Romancing Me

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I head to the bathroom to collect myself, but seeing my face in the mirror only makes me more upset

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I head to the bathroom to collect myself, but seeing my face in the mirror only makes me more upset.

I hide in one of the stalls, sit on the toilet and hug my knees close to my chest. The door cracks open. Already back for round two, Jayla?

"Enver?" His voice is easily recognizable, and I want to run to him, but I can't let him see me like this.

"Enver I know you're in here, please come out," Decklin calls. I hesitantly unlock the stall I'm in and slowly peek out.

"Enver? Are you alright? What happened?" He opens his arms to me, and without hesitation, I fall into them. He embraces me, one hand cradling the back of my head and the other wrapped around my lower back.

He doesn't ask me any questions until I calm down. I sniff and pull my head off of his chest. His hazel eyes gaze down at me, studying me. He sits me down on the counter and takes both my hands in his.

"Can you tell me?" He whispers, and I look down at our hands.

"It's my father. I saw him...in the room. It felt so real like I could reach out and touch him, but when I called out to him, nothing came from my mouth. Silence. He was in my dream too. Once again it felt so real, but he couldn't hear me, couldn't hear me telling him I am okay, that I am going to come home," he takes his hands off mine and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

His thumbs brush against my cheeks. The whirlwind of butterflies swarm in my stomach, and time seems to have stopped just for us. His eyes sparkle in the dim light.

"Decklin, what about Jayla?"

"Don't worry, it's going to be okay," he holds me tightly. Suddenly the door flies open. My eyes grow wide to see Cash standing in the doorway.

  "What the hell is going on here?"

"Cash listen-"

  "Really Deck?! She hasn't even been here a few weeks and you're already romancing her?!"

"Cash, this isn't-I..." he sighs, not being able to come up with some sort of excuse.

"I'm sorry Cash," I speak up. "But he wasn't romancing me."

  "It sure as hell looked like it but I'm not so much mad as I am worried, Jayla is going to lose her mind if she finds out," he runs a hand through his golden hair and I shut my eyes quickly for a second trying not to do something stupid because that's the problem, she already knows.

She already knows and hates my guts more than before. I don't even understand what their relationship is, Decklin wouldn't dare do anything with me if they were a thing, so why does she hate me so much for it?

Were they a thing before or is it something just as simple as a stupid crush? I guess that's something I should ask Decklin about.

"Cash, it's going to be fine, I can handle her," Decklin assures him.

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