31| Cut the Bullshit

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I feel her body curved with mine

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I feel her body curved with mine. Her breaths are deep and even. She's sleeping, or at least starting to. I close my eyes and let the thought of her next to me send me to sleep.

My thoughts are scattered by the commotion of Holloway's men storming in. They're headed for us. I instinctively pull myself in front of Enver. That guy has caused her enough pain for the week, I will not let him near her again. I'm shocked when I'm the one they grab.

I look back at Enver as they drag me towards the door. She looks mortified. And guilty. I try to fight back but I know it's pointless. I know I can't protect her.

I'm shoved into Holloway's office. It's been a while since I've visited, but his office looks the same. Lavish. Over the top. Expensive. I'm seated in a chair and he sits across from me, safely tucked away behind his desk. I meet with his cold heartless eyes.

I hate the man before me more than anyone and anything else. He took my already shitty life and made it worse, which is something I thought to be impossible. He took away the only person who ever actually cared about me.

I don't think I'll ever see my brother again. I glare at him, glare until my face hurts. He stands finally and addresses me as if it's a chore.

"Mr. Sheppard," he sighs, "Lovely to see you again."

"You piece of shit!" I spit, bolting up out of my seat. He's unfazed, which makes me more angry.

"We'll be running some tests on you," my heart rate quickens, "So if you'll follow me to the testing quarters," he says, stepping away from his desk. Two men are gripping my arms again, and they lead me to a new room, one I've never seen before.

The walls are a deep shade of blue, almost black. The lights are dim, making it even harder to see. Ten doors line the walls, each with a large window leaking light from within the rooms. Each one has a table of medical tools and a gurney.

The men pull me towards a door near the end, and once I'm close enough I notice a label on the door. Sheppard, Decklin. My common sense is overcome by panic and I jump back, or at least try to. The men tighten a grip and I can hear Holloway unlock the door.

I can't be stuck in here, I have to get back to the others. I need her to know I'm alive. I continue to fight, kicking, shouting. I manage to break one of my arms from their grasp, and I let it go to my stupid head and get cocky. I try to twist my other arm free, but I've underestimated the other guard's strength. I feel something cold pressed against my temple. I fall to the floor, unconscious...


I open my eyes to a harsh fluorescent light. My head aches and my body aches and everything aches. I try to lift my arm to rub my face but a strap stops me. I try to sit up but another strap is tight against my chest. My feet are restrained as well. I look around to take in my surroundings. I'm in a small room with white walls.

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