37| You Are a Danger to Society

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My limbs freeze at the sound of a shocked and furious voice behind me. My breath has stopped completely. I quickly slide the folder back into the cabinet and turn around. Holloway stands in the doorway, fists clenched, eyebrows furrowed. I can feel the terror zipping through my veins. My heart is beating as fast as a hummingbird's wings. I can't seem to find the words I would use to explain myself. He marches up to me. "What are you doing in here? Who let you out?"

"I-I was just waiting for you, I-"

"Waiting doesn't involve searching through the filing cabinet!" He shouts, angry heat emanating from him. He grabs my wrist so tight I'm afraid my hand might just fall off. He starts dragging me to the door. A million ideas whirring around in my head and my idiotic self choses the stupidest one.

"You killed my mother," He says nothing, "or rather your father did."

I've already dug myself this deep, what will a few more inches do?

His anger is all consuming. I rip my hand from his grasp. "You're the son of a monster. We are not the ones to be feared. You are." Despite the fear chained to every nerve in my body, my voice is strong and confident and angry. I stare right into his cobalt eyes, my irises carved from ice. He's looking at me with an intense irate expression, but behind the anger is sadness and pain, I'm just not sure of the cause.

"You are a danger to society, along with the rest of them." His words sting like acid splashed onto my skin. "You are a danger to yourself." He steps closer. "You are the child of a monster; we have this in common." I can feel the tears welling in my eyes, the lump of emotions pushing its way up my throat .

"How dare you!" I cry with a broken voice.

Holloway shows no emotion as he watches my outbreak. "Open your eyes Enver, we both come from terrible people, and no matter what you say, we're just like them." Holloway tilts his head, letting a sinister smile spread across his lips.

"You're wrong," I spit, my mom wasn't a terrible person.

"How so?"

Before I have time to answer, a phone rings, both of our heads snapping towards it. Holloway strolls towards it to pick it up and whoever is talking to him only adds onto his anger.

After bickering back and forth, he hangs up with whoever he's talking to as soon as he can and begins to make his way back over to me. Though he suddenly stops short. A frown is placed on his face as his gaze falls down to the file that is still placed in my grasp, like he just remembered that I have it. I flinch when he reaches out to take it from me. I have to bite back my tongue and take a step back as Holloway eyes me oddly and opens the folder.

His hands clench around the file once he quickly shuts it. Again his face stayed clear from all emotion, but his eyes gave away all I need to know. Holloway is furious, looking like he's going to burst any moment, and it takes him a second to look me in the eye again. I speak cautiously, knowing my question could get me in more trouble. "Who's Marie Holloway?"

"You don't get to ask the questions here," the tone of his voice is enough to send a shiver down my spine. Holloway takes a step forward, almost closing in the small gap between us, daring me to move away. He takes a deep breath, refraining himself from arguing with me anymore. "We'll talk about this later. I need to leave so you know what you're going to do?" Holloway takes another dangerous step towards me. "You're going to stay here until I return and I expect you to not touch anything. Understand?"

After a moment of a silent staring contest, Holloway turns on his heel and leaves the room, leaving me frozen in place. I stay there for a good minute, making sure Holloway is far gone before I rush back to the files that are still laid out on his desk not caring what he said.

I want answers and if he's going to be stubborn and not tell me, I'll find them for myself. I can be stubborn too. But not even a few seconds after I touch the files, the door slams open and my hands fly off the desk like it's on fire.


Not sure how to play this off, I look up slowly preparing myself to be met with Holloway's fury, but instead I'm met with Jenkins scowling face.

"What do you think you're doing?"

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