8| Take a Close Look

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I watch Enver as she talks to Cash

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I watch Enver as she talks to Cash. I don't know why I don't trust her, but something deep in my gut tells me something is off. I push down my unsure feelings. Omar plops down on the couch next to me. "What do you want?" I grumble.

"She's not that bad ya know,"  he smirks and I scowl to try to hide my red face when I realize he saw me staring.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I drop my chin into my hand.

"Okay, yeah sure. I can literally feel your fury steaming out of you whenever you look at her."

"And your point is...?"

"You need to give her a chance," he grins.

"No, she's an attention seeker," I reply. "She's trying to do things she shouldn't, pretending to be this role she's not." They're giving into her too easily. Sure she's new but they're just stupid enough to not realize that all she's going to cause is trouble. "Plus she got you and Deck sent to the room."

Omar looks away, "that wasn't her fault." I scoff. "I'm serious, she was only trying to help trinity. Have you heard that girl speak a word since she's been here? That was the first time she's ever spoken."

"I still don't care, no."

"Pleeassseeee," he drags out the words knowing it's going to piss me off. "Imma just bug you until you agree."

"Ugh, I guess I could give her a chance," I relent, "Only to get you to leave me alone."

"That's the spirit!" he pumps his fist in the air as if he won or something. I scoff at his moronic actions, and turn my attention to something more important.

I stand up and head to the bathroom, mostly just to get away from Omar's idiotic self. I push open a stall door and sit. I need a moment to myself, but of course, someone has to come in.

"Deck? Deck are you in here?" a voice whispers, "I need to tell you something," the voice is frail but dramatic. Enver.

"Tell him what?" I step into her view, annoyed with how desperate she sounds.   

"Oh, sorry Jayla," I watch as her eyes grow wide and she turns around to leave.

"Enver, wait. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, I shouldn't have judged you so quickly. I'm sorry." I felt weak letting the word 'sorry' leave my lips

"Oh...thank you," she seems relieved that I'm not going to bite her head off, "I'm sorry too. I should learn to control my temper,"

"Can I hug you?" I hold out my arms and she walks cautiously towards me. I hate hugs, but it's clear she doesn't.  "I'm glad we talked," I whisper.

"Me too," she replies, her tense frame relaxes. I leave to the white room, hoping for some peace and quiet.

I spot Trinity in the corner but she's thankfully too mixed up with her feelings to know I'm there. I flop down onto my bed, already exhausted by the people I'm surrounded by. They're so needy, always depending on each other. I rub my eyes with my thumbs.

I finally start to doze off when I hear the ear piercing scream of Hartley. I roll my eyes and drag myself to the door. I fling it open to see four of Holloways men looming over the kids. I start to run over to Cash, but two pairs of hands stop me.

They tackle me, trying to get me out the door. I cuss them out, kicking at their shins. I see Enver walk in with Decklin right behind her. He pushes around her and runs after me like an idiot.

He knows he'll just get himself in more trouble. Cash is smart enough to stop him just as I'm taken out into the hall.

"Please, Jayla, have a seat," Holloway gestures to the chair in front of him when I get into his office.

I don't move, "What are you going to do to me?"

"So quick to assume, aren't you?" he chuckles. "Don't worry, all I want is to show you something."

"Well I don't want to see whatever you have," I snap.

"Oh but I think you do." his smile is made of bad intentions. My curiosity gets the best of me and I step closer. He shifts his computer monitor to face me.

"Take a close look at this security footage from last night," he clicks play, and I watch carefully. It shows Decklin and Enver.


My face is hot and my pulse is rapid. I try to hide my anger, but Holloway can see through my mask.

"I know you and Decklin are quite close, so I figured you would like to know this compelling piece of information," His maniacal grin is still plastered on his smug face. Holloway stops the footage and turns the screen back towards him. I press my lips together and clench my fists.

I just barely decided to give her a chance and she's already screwed that up. She's going to regret even talking to him.

"One more thing before you go Ms. Huang," he stops me before I stand to leave, "You see, something has been taken from me, something rather important. A gold box. Have you by chance seen it at all?"

"I might have a hunch on who stole it," anger festers inside of me.

"Well, if you do find it, please, return it to me immediately. You might receive a reward for your efforts." Holloway check his watch with a bored expression, "so enlighten me Ms. Huang, who do you suppose has my box?"

"The same girl on that screen," I stand and nod my head to his computer. I'm inches away from his desk, fuming with disgust and hatred.

I give up trying to hide my anger and storm towards the door. Holloways men barely hold my arms, knowing I'm too pissed to run off. I have a girl to destroy.

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