38| Holy Snickers!

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The clinic smells of sanitizer and latex

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The clinic smells of sanitizer and latex. It smells clean, but not in a reassuring sense. I lift my arm to see an IV needle embedded in my skin. I feel strange. Like I'm being watched by unseen eyes. No one is in the room. No nurse or doctor. Nothing but monitors and needles.

Suddenly the door swings open. A tall black man dressed in scrubs walks in. He doesn't acknowledge me. I don't recognize this man as the regular doctor.

He fingers through his drawer, but I can't seem to focus on his hands, not with the silver medal of his stethoscope glinting off in the harsh fluorescent lights. He walks over to me, a tool in hand.

"Look at me," he shines a light in my eyes, "Look to the left. To the right." I do as he asks without a word.

He finishes his tests and such and puts his tools back in the drawer. Then he turns to me, a small, shy smile on his lips.

"You know, I was nervous to see you." My brows furrow in a questioning fashion. "From what I'd heard, you were quite a difficult patient. Not cooperative at all. Maybe it's due to your current state that you are so..." he searches for the word.

"Cooperative?" I whisper, my voice sounding as if it hasn't been used in years.


"What is my current state?"

"We can discuss that later on when you've had time to rest."

"Or we could discuss it right now." I make sure to keep my voice and face completely emotionless.

"I don't think-"

"Now." I let my lips frown just a bit. He lets out a sigh.

"Due to the extremely low temperatures you endured, we believe you may be suffering from hypothermia. We've kept you in the clinic for observation."

"You keep saying 'we'. Who's we?"

"Me and the nurses."

"Well, you can tell the nurses I'm feeling perfectly fine." That did not sound convincing.

"We need to keep you here for further examinations."

"I'm fine," I snap.

Under his breath he mumbles, "Now I see what they meant."

"I need to get back. The others will be worried."

He sighs, letting a long, uncomfortable silence follow. I let my eyes wander around the room. He sucks in a breath.

"I'll see what I can do." He sounds defeated. An uncontrollable grin spreads on my lips.

"Thanks." He flattens his mouth and nods. "What happened to the other doctor?" His brow lifts.

"Fired, most likely." He shrugs. I'm not convinced.

"You don't know for sure?" He sighs again.

"No, I don't. I simply applied for a job and got it. I know better than to ask questions, unlike you." I've learned to take a hint so I shut my mouth. "I'll be back in fifteen." I nod and he slips out the door.

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