16| Were You Spying on Me?!

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I begin to head outside but I'm stopped, I look at Decklin, "where are you going?"

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I begin to head outside but I'm stopped, I look at Decklin, "where are you going?"

"Outside," he looks at me confused, makes sense knowing it's now dark. I look behind him, making sure no one can hear us. "Deck I need to talk to you about something," I whisper.

"Now?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No, once everyone's asleep," he looks more puzzled. "It's important, it shouldn't take long. Just meet me outside," he nods and I slip out the door.

Decklin comes out to see me laying in the grass.

"Enver?" His tone is frantic. I pop up like a daisy out of the snow and see his worried face soften.

"Don't do that to me!'' he whisper-yells.

"Do what?"

"Nevermind. What did you need to talk to me about?"

"This," I pull out the chip wedged between my wrist and my band. He sits down and takes a closer look.

"You got it back? Is this why you needed the distraction?" He says in disbelief. I nod.

"We need to figure out what it's for, quickly, before Holloway finds out I took it."

"What could it go to?"

"A computer, the t.v. a cell phone?"

"The only computer around here is in Holloway's office. If it belonged to the computer, it would still be in it. The t.v. is too old for this advanced technology. A cell phone makes the most sense. It could be an SD card or something,"

"Why would it be in such a special box then? Does it have something classified on it?" I inquire.

"I'm not sure. We'll have to ask Cash in the morning, but right now we've got to get back inside before we get in trouble," I nod and try to slip the chip back under my band. In the faint moonlight, I notice a little slot, thin but deep.

"Deck, look," I show him the slot, and he looks up at me, then at his band. He has the same thing on his. The chip looks to fit perfectly in the slot, but I haven't tried it yet. I'm still not sure what it would do.

We agreed to show our findings to Cash in the morning. I slip the chip back under my band and we head inside, tiptoe into the white room and into our beds. I wonder what the chip does and if it actually goes to the band.

It would make sense why Holloway seemed so panicked when it disappeared, but what does it do? It could go a good or bad way in the morning.

What I'm worried about is that the chip will alert Holloway, he'll come down and who knows what he'll do to us. Another thought that comes to mind is that he'll realize it's missing and come down to find out I have it. The faster we can talk to Cash the better.


In the morning, I'm the first one to rise. I sit in the white room, waiting for Cash to wake up. I play with the sleeve of my suit. "What's got you nervous, Enver?"

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