40| Room 17

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When I heard that we had finally located Enver a few months ago, I didn't expect her to be just like her mother

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When I heard that we had finally located Enver a few months ago, I didn't expect her to be just like her mother. Other than the fact that Evelyn was smart enough to realize that her actions have consequences. At least, for a while she did. I didn't realize that having Enver here meant going through this cycle again.

You would think that Holloway would be smarter than he is. Keeping the members here and alive longer than necessary is only going to end up in another disaster, I already know it. I watched Evelyn get away with many things, and I'm not going to make that same mistake again. Someone needs to take action or Enver is going to continue to waltz around like she owns the place. I've had enough of just sitting here and watching it.

Atherton doesn't have a good system. If I was in charge around here, Enver would've been gone the second that she got here. But there she is, strolling down the hallway with Barton, and he has that same stupid smile on his face. I've had enough of that too.

She has brainwashed him and I can tell she's on the edge of brainwashing Holloway as well. Everyone else is too dumb to see it.

When Enver and Barton are out of my sight, I turn around and head in the opposite direction. There's only one person here that is not as stupid as the rest of them. He's also the only one that can help me go through with my plan. Even though the chances of him agreeing with me are slim, I know he's just as furious as I am.

On my way to Atherton's office I stop to grab Jayla from the guard living quarters. I know she'll be of great use to me in carrying out my plan.

I push open the heavy oak doors leading into Atherton's office. He looks at me and Jayla with slight annoyance as he dismisses the servant he was arguing with.


"We request an audience with you sir," Jayla says, oddly confident.

"What is the purpose?"

"Matters that have to do with Ms. Williams." His eyebrows soften when I say her name, showing his interest.

"Request accepted,"

he says as he gestures for us to sit. We take our seats quickly. He gives us a look that demands us to explain our position.

"Enver Williams is just as defiant and stubborn as her mother was. She is a dangerous threat to our organization. She's already manipulated our men into thinking the prisoners are not humanized weapons!" He raises a brow at this. I've hooked him.

"Sir, she's not only brainwashed your men, she's trying to manipulate Mr. Holloway as well." Jayla chimes in. She seems so strong and sure of what she says. I'm not regretting bringing her along. Atherton sits for what seems like an eternity, reviewing in his mind what we've told him.

"Yes, well this is a serious issue. And what do you propose we do about this?" he leans back in his dark leather chair.

"Kill her." I state simply. He smirks a bit. "All I need is higher level access and Mr. Holloway out of my way."

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