15| Take a Whack at Me

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I open my eyes, and bright white fluorescent lights shine on my face

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I open my eyes, and bright white fluorescent lights shine on my face. I look around to find myself in the clinic, on the metal table bed once again.

"Oh good, you're awake!" Says a familiar voice. I turn to see the nurse from my first visit holding a clipboard and scribbling down notes on the paper attached to it, "I'll go get the doctor," I don't have enough energy to freak out.

"Enver, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks. I groan and glare at him, "Ah, not great I see. Well, that's to be expected. You suffered from a nasty heat stroke," I grumble a few insults only I can hear as he hands me some pills and a glass of water.

"Take these and you'll feel much better,"

"You seriously expect me to take these?" I argue.

"If you want to feel better, then I suggest you do," he says as he walks out, leaving me with the nurse.

"Trust me," she says, "they work," I scoff, but shrug. Honestly anything is better than the splitting headache I've got right now. I pop one in my mouth and take a swig of the cold water. I can feel the tablet slide down my throat. I swallow the other one and the nurse helps me off the table.

Two men grab my arms, but instead of dragging me away they try and help me walk. My muscles are still weak and unstable, so walking is a challenge. When they take me back to the room, I'm relieved. I don't want Cash to worry about me, and lecture me about how it was a bad idea, even though I know it wasn't my best.

Strangely I find comfort laying on the hard concrete floor, my eyes become heavy and I have a hard time lifting my head up. Like a ton of bricks was laid on me. I allow myself to keep my eyes closed and my body to relax.

I wake up, caused by the drastic temperature change. I groan, sitting up feeling much better except for the layer of sweat that covers me head to toe and the stiffness in my back for sleeping on the ground. The temperature goes back to normal rather quickly and the door swings open.

A guard strolls in and behind him coasts the one that walked me rather than dragged me to Holloway's office. The two of them hoist me up to my feet, my legs are sore as we walk, strange to be on, but way better than earlier.

In the recreation room the one man drops my arm instantly but the other slowly let's go, making sure I'm good standing on my own. I give him a small smile, still confused by his kind actions but he looks away and is out the door that second.

I turn around, the two kids are playing some type of board game and Trinity and Cash sits on the couch. Cash catches my eye and raises an eyebrow. I nod once, letting him know that the plan worked. He relaxes and looks relieved. My eyes shift over to Trinity's and I flash her a grin before going on the search to see if the boys are back or not.

I find Taylee, Omar, and Decklin in the white room. So far there's no sign of Jayla which leaves me on guard, I try reassuring myself saying she's probably just in the bathroom. I want to talk to Decklin about the chip but am afraid to, if I don't know where Jayla is, I don't want her snooping on us.

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