18| Holy Schnikes!

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Decklin shakes me awake, and I open my eyes to see both him and Omar looking at me, panicked

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Decklin shakes me awake, and I open my eyes to see both him and Omar looking at me, panicked.

"What's going on?" I ask groggily.

"You're so damn lucky, Princess. Cash almost caught you two snuggling up with each other," he pretends to gag before continuing, "Hartley distracted him, he's on a walk with the kids now. I suggest you get yourselves together," my face is red from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry this is my fault, I shouldn't have snuck over here in the first place," Decklin stands and brushes off the dirt. Memories from last night flood back into my head.

"Deck wait," I stumble up off the ground, "I'm glad you came," I look up at him with a hint of vulnerability in my eyes.

He smiles and his cheeks turn pink as he walks off to find Cash. I start off towards the creek and try to wash my face.

I scold myself in my mind. What were you thinking?! Now is not the time for stupid teenage romance! I replay the words in my head, drilling it into my memory.

The cool water feels fresh on my warm face. What I would give for a hairbrush right about now.

I sit back picking a purple flower from the ground and twist it between my fingers. I get interrupted by a sound behind me, "Enver!"

I turn around and look at Hartley, "Sweetie what are you doing? You shouldn't be out here alone."

"I'm not alone, silly," she giggles. "I'm with you."

I laugh lightly, placing the flower I had in her hair.

"Cash told me to come get you," I feel nervous, but I take her hand and walk back to camp. When we get there she let's go of my hand and runs towards Quinn.

I smile when I look over at Taylee and Trinity, they're sitting next to each other as Trinity teaches Taylee how to make a flower crown. I'm glad Trinity is coming out of her shell.

My eyes move over to Decklin and Omar as they bicker back and forth about something. I swear one of these days Omar is going to get hurt if he keeps irritating Decklin.

I find Cash and sit down next to him, "Everything okay?"

He looks at me and nods, "Yeah, but I think we should continue to move. There's got to be a town or something close by." I nod my head in agreement, and stand to get the others attention.

"Hey guys, listen up!" I shout, my voice strong and confident. It empowers me, "We have got to get moving, I'm sure we could find a town nearby," the group starts to erase any indications of us staying here.

Omar and Decklin start dismantling the shelters, and sweet little Quinn jumps in, trying to help. I gather anything that could be used as clues to our whereabouts, even though I'm not exactly sure where that is.

Every little sound makes me jump, and I find myself constantly looking over my shoulder. I become paranoid again that someone is watching us, Holloway and his men are smart, they could be anywhere.

All of a sudden I feel a hand press against my mouth from behind. A loud shriek comes out of me but when I turn around no one is there.

My heart pounds in my chest as I look around and out of nowhere Omar appears in front of me causing another squeal to escape out of me. "Boo!"

"Holy shit Omar, what the hell!" I yell at him as he leans his head back and lets out a roar of laughter.

"Bad words!"

I apologize to Hartley and narrow my eyes at Omar as his laughing fit increases to the point he can barely breathe. "Not funny," I mutter and walk away. He can be so juvenile.


We had been trekking along the forest floor for what seemed like hours. My feet ached in my thin-souled, grey sneakers. I lugged Hartley on my back, and Decklin carried Quinn. Must be easy with his strength.

Images are flashing through my mind. Images of him tearing through that wall as if it were butter. His brute strength scared me at first, but it's a very valuable asset to have. We slow to a stop in a clearing, and Hartley hops off my back. She waddles over to Quinn, but stops and takes hold of Decklins hand.

The cuts are still fairly fresh despite them being from yesterday afternoon. She runs her fingers along his knuckles and closes her eyes. A soft humming sound rings in my ears, and she lets go of his hand. He holds it up to show that all the bruises and cuts have vanished. Everyone's jaws drop, eyes wide with shock.

"Oh my God," Omar says flatly. Hartley looks around, confused. Even she didn't know what she could do.

Decklin scoops her up into a hug. "Thanks," he winks and whispers sweetly, and I grinned ear to ear.

"Did you know that you could do that, hun?" I knelt down to her level.

"Uh-uh" she smiles and shakes her head. We start walking through the foliage, once again, dodging branches and hurdling bushes.

My foot catches on a root and I fall to my knees. Cash lifts me up, and we're a few feet away from the others.

"How've you been, Enver?"

"Good as I can be I guess," I shrug my shoulders. "What about you?"

He lets out a breathy laugh, "I still can't believe it," he shakes his head and a smile plays on his lips. "I really thought that I was going to be stuck there forever. But now we all have a chance at life again."

I smile and I look up at him, when suddenly I slam into something. I suck in a breath and look up at Omar confused, who has stopped dead in his tracks along with everyone else. "Guys what are you-"

"Holy schnikes we did it!" Omar exclaims.

I raise my eyebrows at his word choice and I move up with Cash to see what they're looking at.

I raise my eyebrows at his word choice and I move up with Cash to see what they're looking at

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