7| Can I Hug You?

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After waiting a good hour, Trinity still hasn't returned

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After waiting a good hour, Trinity still hasn't returned. I look at Cash, who shakes his head, but I ignore him. He doesn't know everything. He calls out after me but I slip into the white room.

I see Trinity with her hood pulled on, curled up in the left corner of the room. She doesn't spare me a glance as I walk towards her. I slowly sit down on the bed next to her.

My hands are shaky, I'm ridiculously nervous. I have to be careful with what I say.

"A-are you alright?" I instantly regret opening my mouth. She doesn't reply. I kick myself for ignoring Cash's advice. He's known her longer, he knows how she works. "I know I'm new... but I hope you know you can talk to me."

"Thank you," is all she says. Her voice is scratchy, it's obvious she's been crying.

"Of course. I'll be there for you," I say, and pull myself off the ground. Leaving the room to give her some space, it's clear she doesn't want my company right now.

Cash gives me an annoyed look when I get back into the rec room .

"What?" he shakes his head once again and lets out a laugh.

"You're so stubborn, you know that?"

"I may have heard that somewhere," I give him a cheeky smile.

"Ese idiota con patadas," Omar mutters as he walks past me and Cash.

"What was that about?" I question.

"Where the hell is Deck," he scans the room. Cash raises a brow at him, then at me.

I chuckle and walk away, deciding that I should find him to give him a warning about Omar and ask him why he's so upset.

I knock, with no answer, and slowly push the door to the bathroom open. I slip in and quietly shut the door.

"Deck? Deck are you in here?" I whisper, "I need to tell you something," silence follows.

"Tell him what?" A female voice slips out from behind the stall. The owner of the voice slowly steps out.

She arches her eyebrow, tucks a strand of her ebony hair behind her ear, and places her hand on her hip.

"Oh, sorry Jayla," I turn back around to the door.

"Enver, wait. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot, I shouldn't have judged you so quickly. I'm sorry."

"Oh...thank you," this is a side of her I'd never seen before, it's kind and warm and soft, "I'm sorry too. I should learn to control my temper,"

"Can I hug you?" She asks, reaching out her arms. I nod with a smile and walk over to her cautiously. Her embrace washes away all of my worries. "I'm glad we talked," she whispers.

"Me too," I reply and she turns to the door leading to the white room and I turn to the one to the rec room.

Inside, there's no sign of Decklin, I begin to worry about where he could be hiding, maybe Omar got to him.

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