32| I Never Asked for you to Understand Me

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I'm laid down on the couch next to Omar, my feet are propped up on a pillow and my head rests on Omar's lap

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I'm laid down on the couch next to Omar, my feet are propped up on a pillow and my head rests on Omar's lap. I yawn, closing my eyes, already starting to fall asleep ten minutes into the stupid movie.

Omar was bored and kept bugging me until I agreed to watch The Notebook with him. Omar seems to be enjoying it but me on the other hand, I'm hating every second of it.

A loud buzz startles me, I sit up with a start, about to yell at Omar thinking he's messing with me, but I realize that he isn't the one that's making the noise.

Three guards barge in and Omar stands up in curiosity, but not before pausing the movie. They point their guns at Omar, "Wow, there's no need for that, you can put the gun down." he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Is Decklin Sheppard here?"

I tense at his words, "He was taken yesterday."

They nod and turn to leave and I try to scamper after them, Omar grabs a hold of me. I try to pry myself out of his arms. "Wait what's going on? Is he okay?!" They disappear, leaving my questions unanswered.

I twist my way from Omar's arms and run after the men only to have the large metal door slammed in my face. I pound both of my fists against it in a fit of anger, but relent and turn back to the others.

"Do you think he escaped?" I ask, my voice far too hopeful for my taste. Omar shrugs, Cash does too. No one says a word, but I know what they're thinking. "Why would they be looking for him?" I'm getting angry, my knuckles white and my nails biting my skin.

I turn back to the door he disappeared through and my mind is smothered in my own fears. I press one palm to the door as I stare into the camera pinned to the ceiling.

"Uh, whatcha doin' there Princess?" Omar asks, failing to hide his concern.

"Getting answers," I say and pound my palm to the door while still keeping my eyes locked on the lens of the camera.

Come on, I know you see me.


I feel the door unlock and back away as it swings open and Barton slides in from behind it. He holds out his arm to me.

"Shall we?" His light hearted joke and overall demeanor is strange and unwelcome. Yes, he's always been kind to me, but this is too nice. Now is not the time for jokes.

I slip out the doorway, ignoring his arm. He stares at me a bit confused before shaking it off and catching up. I feel a pinch of remorse and decide to act on it.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood," I say half-heartedly. He accepts it and we continue on. He opens one of Holloways large doors for me and I glide in. I have questions that are demanding answers.

"En-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"What the hell is going on? Where is Decklin?" I bark, and he looks a bit confused.

"I haven't the slightest clue of what you're talking about," his words are innocent but his smile betrays them. He knows exactly how to antagonize me, get under my skin. Unfortunately, I'm not strong enough to ignore his attempts.

"Yes you do! Answer the damn question!" I smack my hand against his desk and his expression contorts to one of amusement.

"You really have a hard time understanding things don't you?" the corner of his mouth quirks up. "Enver I have nothing to tell you. Don't waste your time and stop asking foolish questions."

"Where is Decklin?"

"I simply can't tell you," he sighs.

"Why? Why won't you tell me?"

"Give me one reason why I should tell you." I open my mouth but the words are stuck on my tongue, before I could think of a million reasons why he should tell me but now nothing is coming to mind.

"I don't understand you," I sigh, shaking my head.

"I never asked for you to understand me."

I pull at the butterfly necklace. The anger is gone, all I want to know now is if Decklin's okay. I want to know what's happening to him, what they're doing to him. "Just tell me he's okay," I whisper.

He hums and leans back in his chair, arms crossed. "I have to say, I'm enjoying this Enver. Finally getting rid of the attitude?" Holloway tilts his head, his lips fighting a bigger smile.

"Just answer the damn question, Holloway," my fists clench around the sleeve of my jumpsuit.

"I already told you I can't."

"Why won't you tell me if he's okay?" What are you doing to him?

"Because I don't know myself," he answers honestly, but I have a hard time believing him. I can't believe him. "Now, I really have enjoyed our little get-togethers lately. They've been really... proactive." I scowl at him, but he's not looking at me, rather down at his watch. "But maybe try to stay out of trouble for the next while, you think you could do that? I have work I need to be doing and you should be resting."

"How the hell am I supposed to be resting when you don't even know what's going on?!" I plop down in my seat, my eyes refusing to leave his. He looks angered but contains it much better than me.

"I never said I didn't know what's going on, I just said I-" a siren cuts him off, blaring in my ears. His calm ocean eyes have been ravaged by a storm of panic as they dart around the room.

I soon succumb to the panic as well as the alarm continues to scream at us. A robotic voice cuts in, somehow overpowering the alarm.

Code 23 - High Alert - Code 23 - High Alert

I run to the door and try to pull it open, only to find it locked. I turn to see Holloway wide eyed and shaking the handle to one of the doors on the back wall.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yell, running up to him. He looks at me with a glint of fear in his eyes.



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