9| Sweet Pea

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"Ah, there she is," Holloway says as the men throw me on the ground

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"Ah, there she is," Holloway says as the men throw me on the ground. I pick myself up and look at him, staring into his sapphire eyes. Damn those eyes, and their taunting gaze.

"Please, sit," he gestures to a throne-like chair, but I don't comply, "Sit!" His sharp tone startles me, but I don't let it show. I leisurely take a seat.

"You will learn to obey me some day," he smirks at me, "Now, I'm sure you'd like to know why I've brought you here."

"Does it have anything to do with Jayla?" My voice quivers at first, but my confidence strengthens my tone.

"Yes, in fact it does. I asked Jayla if she had possibly seen a small gold box," my scowl wilted into a troubled gaze, which seemed to give him a satisfactory answer to a question he never asked.

"She told me she saw you with it. If you would be so kind as to return it to me, that would be greatly appreciated," his eyebrows furrowed. His words are polite and kind, but his tone betrays them.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about," it wasn't as convincing as I had hoped, but maybe he is easily fooled.

"Enver, it's not safe to lie to me," he stands and strolls over to me, "I control your life now, and I can make it a living hell. So I will ask you one more time, where is the box?" His face is a meer two feet away from mine, but his intimidation would not cause me to betray my friend. I keep my mouth shut, and he became irate.

"Fine, if you will not tell me, then you will pay the price for your insubordination!" He hollers.

I try to hide the fear inside me, "I already told you, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I have not seen any sort of box."

"You are a terrible liar, Enver," Holloway narrows his eyes intensely at me and begins to raise his voice again. "It is stupid of you not to tell me where this box is, I don't think you realize what you're getting yourself in to." Holloway walks back to his desk and presses the button. "But you will learn it's better to do what I ask of you rather than lie for whatever reason you deem fit."

The men storm back into the room and begin to drag me away, I don't fight, but watch Holloway as they take me wherever they're about to. His eyes aren't on me, but rather the paper and computer in front of him.

His eyes scan over them in frustration, and my guess is that they have something to do with the gold box. It makes me wonder what could be inside of there that's so important to him.

The door to his office slams and begins to recognize the halls they bring down, the entryway opens and I'm thrown into a familiar room. The same hard concrete, the same thick metal door, the same painful silence, and the same bitter air that sends chills down to the bone and painful memories come flooding back.

The major panic of being in here didn't register till now, knowing I'm back in this awful enclosure. It makes me sick, but knowing that I'm in here instead of Decklin relieves me. He hasn't been back from here for even twenty four hours. The guilt would eat me alive knowing he was back in here because of me.

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