34| What Happened Last Night?

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I shift, swinging the blanket off me with my leg before I twist, stretching my whole body

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I shift, swinging the blanket off me with my leg before I twist, stretching my whole body. A loud yawn escapes my lips. Even though I know it's morning from the light shining into the room, I didn't want to be awake quite yet. I reach out my hand, grabbing a pillow and bringing it close to me, hugging it to my chest.

I keep my eyes closed, trying to fall back asleep, but the light that filled the room made that impossible, even though it was faint. It was quiet, too quiet, no talking, no snores, or even the soft sound of breathing, meaning everyone was up at this time.

I keep completely still, not daring to move an inch. Waiting for the moment Omar smacks me in the face with a pillow or screams in my ear to get up.

I grow confused when it never comes. Maybe Cash won't let him in or Omar possibly could have been distracted by breakfast. I reach out for my blanket, regretting kicking it off of me, due to how cold I am now.

I open my eyes, my vision is blurred from sleepiness, and from the bright light. But when I turn I can slightly make out Decklins dark hair as he sleeps beside me. Letting out a sigh, I bring the cover up to my chin and curl up next to Decklin, closing my eyes again.

I move closer than I intended, but with the new nightmare I need to be close to him. I feel his breath fan against my neck, and the butterflies come making me feel like a typical high school girl.

After multiple attempts of trying to fall back asleep, and failing, I decide it's best to make sure Omar is not causing any trouble.

I grow skeptical, Omar hates it when Decklin and I sleep together, he hates us being alone together in general. So him not bugging us and having it peaceful is strange and out of the ordinary.

I sit up and stretch once again. I felt well rested, which was another thing that felt strange to me. I guess being exhausted will do that to you.

I open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. I figure out why Omar hasn't assaulted me yet. I'm not in the white room. And that's not Decklin beside me. My lungs fill with a breath intended to fuel a shriek but the sound inside me has vanished.

It's best that I make no sound until I can understand where I am. My feet fall to the floor and I carefully and delicately hoist myself up off the mattress. I turn back to the body I was lying beside to get a better look at who it is. The blankets curl around his waist displaying his shirtless back.

His dark brown hair is unruly. He looks nearly the same as Decklin in the faint light. I squint, trying to make out a mark on his back. It's letters inked on his skin, but it's too dark to make out what it says. Suddenly he shifts and lays on his back. My legs are stapled to the floor as I gaze at the face before me.

His features are rested, eyes closed, lips parted slightly. His chest rises and falls steadily with each breath. I look around the lavish room once more to ensure my eyes aren't betraying me. The boy I was curled into just minutes before is the boy I despise the most. Seeing his face send the memories of last night flying in frame by frame.

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